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09/16/13 1:48 AM

#209767 RE: F6 #209762

Heck.. I've known people right here on ihub who love him so much . .(taken in by rt) Assuange, 'Paul Craig Roberts, who writes for Pravda regularly.. He is listed as a weekly contributor and of course, you know he hoists this crap over here on that 'information clearing house bs' ... OY.. I'm telling you... . and they go for it. and I mean 'SOME' democrats go for it too, ONE weirdo wants to live there .. oh well.. naturally it's a rpaul guy .. LOL .. it's so disgusting to me that they do not see through it all .. .these paleo-conservatives libertarians have a neat game going .. and it's completely designed to catch 'liberals' .. must admit . .in my early days on ihub ... sheesh! .... there I was posting that crap too from that ich.. oh I'm so ashamed! .. and didn't even know wtf! ... You taught me to check things ... like sources etc... and once I started doing it .... I never could go back to that old blind trust I used to have .. .

of course the teabag girls will always be consistent in misjudging things and opposing Obama ... these girls really have a problem and it's been obvious for some time now .. .I hate to say this ... but it's an outright cult . . ... The TeaBag Sisters! .. YAY! .. Sisters! .. ;)

I only wish they would go to Russia they would so fit right in .. all that beating up of immigrants yeah! go sisters go! ..........;( ..idiots !


09/16/13 1:56 AM

#209768 RE: F6 #209762

LOL, spot on .. can anyone help on the Kerry/Lazaroff chat
a year ago? .. can't find anything at all other than this one .. excerpt ..

"In a further development, a spokesman for Putin said the Russian president had discussed the weapons handover plan with Obama at last week’s G-20 summit, and a senior administration official told NBC News that the two had discussed the concept a year ago. The official said, however, that it wasn't until the chemical weapons attack on Aug. 21 killed hundreds of people that the Russians showed a willingness to put together a serious proposal.

That shed a different light on Kerry’s mention of the plan at a news conference in London on Monday. That had previously been characterized by spokesman Jen Psaki as an off-the-cuff “rhetorical argument.”"

.. of course, it brings to mind the kind of 'similar' concept, back
when, that Russia take Iran uranium .. think it was before this time ..

** (Breaking News) Iran suspends 20-percent uranium enrichment ** .. Not one shot fired: [ to the bottom ]

Note: If this plays out as reported, you could argue that Barack Obama's sanctions brought "Peace" to the Middle East by adverting nuclear proliferation. Looking forward to Rmoney's concession speech.

.. you see the connection/idea whatever i am curious about? .. if this latest Syrian deal actually had it's genesis some year ago as "a senior administration official [allegedly] told NBC News" .. then .. hmm .. just perhaps it could be that Obama has been able to engineer some pretty cool foreign policy progress .. in a manner not all that could be compared to that GWB failure ..

.. i read a phrase kinda like .. oh, maybe it was .. coercive .. .. diplomacy think it was ..

Garden Rose

09/16/13 12:02 PM

#209788 RE: F6 #209762

Putin is my hero, if we had someone in the USA with such nationalistic spirit, we'd be very lucky. Russia owes its life to Putin, its treasures and wealth would have been ravished by the West if not for him.