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09/16/13 4:59 AM

#33089 RE: NYBob #33085

Christian Woman in Syria Grief Stricken Lashes Out: ‘We Blame
Obama!…He Is Helping The Rebels’…
Saturday, September 14, 2013 16:34
God Bless
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09/16/13 4:15 PM

#33090 RE: NYBob #33085

Syrian Christian Targetted! “They sent terrorists here from all
corners of the world to kill Syrian people..I ask the world,
Saturday, September 14, 2013 15:41

Last week, rebel forces [including] jihadists linked to al-Qaeda took over the town. On Tuesday the rebels said they would give it up but only on the condition that Assad’s forces didn’t take their place.

Finoshina arrived in the battle scarred village on Wednesday and
found that there was little sympathy among the few resident who
were left for the rebels.

They said the Christian village famous for its beautiful
churches and monasteries was looted and the jihadist rebels
forced inhabitants to convert to Islam or threatened them with
Many decided to join the Syrian army to defend their homes.

“They sent terrorists here from all corners of the world to kill
Syrian people and each other. Why? I ask the world, why?” Saba
Ubeid told [RT reporter] Finoshina.

The rebels are now holed up in the surrounding hills, which are
littered with caves and hold the high ground above the town,
making it difficult for the Syrian army to advance.

Story’s firs thalf is from:

See also:

Jihadists ‘killed, threatened Christians’ in Syrian town of

The coffin of the three Christian Syrians who were killed
during the week-end in the ancient town of Maalula, are
displayed during a religious service as part of their funeral
in the capital Damascus.

“They arrived in our town at dawn on Wednesday and shouted
‘We are from the Al-Nusra Front and have come to make lives
miserable for the Crusaders,” an Islamist term for Christians,
said a still frightened woman who identified herself as Marie.


People look from their windows at a funeral march for the three
Christian Syrians who were killed during the week-end in the
ancient town of Maalula, in the capital Damascus.


The coffins of two of the three Christian Syrians who were
killed during the week-end in the ancient town of Maalula, are
carried during a funeral march in the capital Damascus.

“I saw people wearing Al-Nusra headbands who started shooting at
crosses,” said Mr Nasrallah.

One of them “put a pistol to the head of my neighbour and forced
him to convert to Islam by obliging him to repeat ‘there is no
God but God.”’

“Afterwards they joked, ‘he’s one of ours now.”’

Read more:

Mr Nasrallah, who spent 42 years running a restaurant in the US
state of Washington named after his hometown, said he was
devastated by what happened in Maalula.

“I had a great dream. I came back to my country to promote
tourism. I built a guesthouse and spent $2000 installing a
windmill to provide electricity in the town.

“My dream has gone up in smoke.
Forty-two years of work for nothing,” he lamented.

But worse, for him, was what he said was the reaction of his
Muslim neighbours when the town was seized by the rebels.

“Women came out on their balconies shouting with joy, and
children … did the same.
I discovered that our friendship was superficial.”

…The most tragic story was that of Rasha, who recounted how the
jihadists had seized her fiance Atef, who belonged to the
town’s militia, and brutally murdered him.

“I rang his mobile phone and one of them answered,” she said.

“Good morning, Rash rush,” the voice said, using her nickname.
“We are from the Free Syrian Army. Do you know your fiance was
a member of the shabiha (pro-regime militia) who was carrying
weapons, and we have slit his throat.”

The man told her Atef had been given the option of converting to
Islam, but had refused.

“Jesus didn’t come to save him,” he taunted.

Read more:

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Thank Bro Jesus For Thine is the Kingdom -
the Power, and the Glory, now and forever -

God Bless
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12/04/13 12:39 AM

#33158 RE: NYBob #33085

Syria's Christians flee 'kidnappings, rape, executions' -

Syria: Malula and now Sadad. Largest Massacre of Christians in
Syria Ignored -

Praying for Sadad and Maaloula:
Assad troops and rebels fight over town
seen as symbol of Syrian Christianity -

Christian Woman in Syria Grief Stricken Lashes Out: ‘We Blame
Obama!…He Is Helping The Rebels’…
Saturday, September 14, 2013 16:34

The Truth is our primary weapon against satan -


Thank Bro Jesus For Thine is the Kingdom -
the Power, and the Glory, now and forever -

God Bless