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09/13/13 2:20 PM

#17484 RE: TinkerBelle #17482

I'm guessing that whoever owned or operated the mine simply used that address as a mailing address and/or an office. Not an issue, really. What would be interesting is to see how much, if any, gold was ever mined out of the place, and how far it was from being profitable. I believe it safe to assume that the owners wouldn't be wanting to sell all that land and equipment for $6.5 million if they were making money off of it.

It's all moot, really, though. Bubba 'n 'em will never get the money to buy it. The market agrees with me. I think the whole deal was another failed ploy to sell stock, just like that Ghana debacle. Just something to talk about for a while, then move on to "the next big thing." Typical Stead PR fodder. We may have already heard the last of it from Bubba 'n 'em. Just like Ghana.


09/13/13 4:12 PM

#17494 RE: TinkerBelle #17482

Come on, Tink, please post the June, 2013 Google Earth pics, if that's when the pics were taken.

If not Tink, then somebody. Please. Let's get this over with.

Alan, your pics are good, and appreciated. They help a lot. But there's still some question as to their date of origin. I know it says 2013 on them, but that may not be when the pics were taken. Sorry.

Sure would be good to have some unbiased boots on the ground with a video camera and a way to put something up on YouTube. Too bad somebody didn't think of this idea before the PR came out. Maybe then shareholders would have seen a rally instead of, well, what happened. Ol' Bubba's having a hard time getting anybody to believe anything anymore. It's not difficult to see why.