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09/14/13 9:53 AM

#17999 RE: Top Penny #17990

Radient has no money to repair this ship.

They've been broke since December 2011. Read the SEC filings.

Any outside entity could simply license DR-70 and ALL ITS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY if they wanted to try and sell it. Read the SEC filings. Radient tried to license the test to GCDx in 2012 but GCDx could not come up with funding. Radient is trying to license the test to UNI in 2013 but we don't know whether UNI bailed or not.

The question is: why would an outside entity try to sell DR-70? AMDL/Radient tried from 1996 through 2011 and failed. That failure was not "we missed our revenue projections by a little bit," it was "we missed our revenue projections by 95%." Not once, but EVERY YEAR THEY GAVE GUIDANCE.

Yes, 95%. As in, the CEO MacLellan gave guidance of $2 million but produced only $100,000. what kind of company allows their CEO to miss guidance by that much?

DR-70 is a failure of epic proportions. And every year the biotech industry leaves it farther behind in the dust.