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09/12/13 10:12 PM

#68034 RE: skydog526 #68029

I think you may be using the wrong term: Flip

Flipping is lack of faith in a investment. I do not see ELTP lacking faith.

Facebook was a flip, the flip happen before the IPO even came out.

ELTP changed from a flip to an investment after JT took over and now Nasrat secured ELTP's future. Who would flip ELTP on bad faith?

Or is it people say they are flipping only in hopes to buy more shares at a lower price? That still it nt flipping though, that is averaging down and that also is faith and where there is faith there is strength.

Anyone that flips ELTP now is seriously not doing their DD.


09/12/13 10:27 PM

#68043 RE: skydog526 #68029

Probably very close; I had some buys at $.2X and over the 2.5 years have averaged down to something close to $.11; so I am within a few K of breakeven point; problem is that I was there 3 weeks ago also so it is a never ending journey and I guess that is the difference between an illusory uptrend .... a spike. Should PPS ease up to $.11 it is going to be very tempting to bail out and just call all the fees and lost opportunities a learning experience or I could hold on and give Nasrat and EVP an opportunity to make things happen. I have to admit that activities are moving in the right direction.