I don't have that answer and that's not an important subject for me.I suggested it because you keep bringing it up,so make the call,it is a free call,so why wouldn't you call and address that question yourself!That is old news that has no bearing on this case at all.I suggest let it go.Oct. will be 1 year since TMMI made their breakout news and less then a year and everyone what's answers now.In case you haven't noticed there is a law suit in progress so that would be on top of TMMI' agenda for now.The news for TMMI will be here,when???TruDef will move onward and upward when everything is finished in the courtroom and once the codec is ready for the business world.Imagine if the old management would of voted,TMMI shareholders would of been lost forever,so to me it's a good thing that there vote was sealed,and new management stepped in.TMMI has done a complete 360 turnaround and all the bitterness that some of you show towards the new management is unbelievable.I get it from the ones that follow Larry Panik that's there agenda to bash and stir the waters here on this message board,but if your a real TMMI shareholder you would be riding this rollercoaster with the rest of us and stop listening to the ones that are only here for one thing and that's to tear down TMMI for the very very few(10) that hang at this message board....