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09/05/13 11:45 AM

#53939 RE: itlogic #53937

No I'm not negative, I'm a real person who is invested in FUSE for 2 years now.

You can agree with and say whatever you like. I know what I'm saying and I have 16 years of retail and consumer product experience to back it up.

As far as the pharma angle goes. If FUSE finds a partner then the game changes.

Right now FUSE is worth nothing until they have something tangible like a granted patent or a stable consumer product division that is sustaining the business and funding further research and development.

Until that's in place what pharma company wouldn't sit there and laugh waiting for FUse to come crying to be bought out for pennies because they are about to fold?

You can't negotiate at the table with big pharma without serious clout. Otherwise you get eaten alive.

Hence the reason why macular health was a great option for FUSE and opportunity to help develop and further their science/technology.


09/05/13 11:46 AM

#53940 RE: itlogic #53937

We all agree--we need to tell people about the product-advertising is the only way--especialy the athletes that endors the products--all they need is these athletes to do a comercial.........