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09/04/13 11:31 AM

#15774 RE: Alphi #15773

ok nvm im reading the shedule 14F1 now..

it says that on June 3 they had a 500 for one reverse stock split

it says that as of June 6 2013 after the split there were 268,420,335 shares...

on aug 21 there was another 12 for one reverse stock split.

so that equates to 22,368,361 shares outstanding..

at the current price of $10 that's at least a market cap of $224 million dollars..

i don't even know how that is possible considering how low profile these guys are... just my 2c..


09/05/13 5:06 PM

#15776 RE: Alphi #15773

Accountants can do wonders with a magic marker merger pencil, stroke of genus, LOL.

"does anyone know what the real market cap of this company is... pre merger it was only $150,000 or so.. now google is claiming that its 167 million... I find that a bit hard to believe even with the value of the pre merger private Finjan company included."

It has SCAM written all over it, when can we short this pig? (LOL, JK, I never short stocks, but this one is prime once shares are available)

I was deep into this junk in 2009, when Gildea was the CEO, and it was a real business, but he sucked it, investors, retail shareholders and even a NJ employee pension fund dry of 30 milion dollars, and I hear he is still a director sucking the live out of retail share buyers pockets in this reinvention of the scam. Will the scam here ever end?