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09/04/13 12:16 AM

#69306 RE: pennyfollowercm23 #69305

Wrote him several emails over the last few days...heard nothing back. No news on increase in A/ name of Turkish divvy shares or even news about the divvy shares...NOTHING!!! Anyone talked to Ed Salmon lately???? Would be nice to hear from him too...Starting to get a funny feeling about this one...


09/04/13 1:40 AM

#69313 RE: pennyfollowercm23 #69305

There are abundant reasons to question the accuracy of public information Peter Villiotis has issued regarding VDSC since he became CEO. Nothing material he has ever announced has come true. There is no reason to believe that his non public communications are any more accurate. They are likely designed solely to keep shareholders buying or at least not selling.

A lot of PK CEOs are "con artists" (con men) meaning they have the ability to present themselves as sincere in order to gain the confidence of others regarding investments, loans, etc. In years of following OTC stocks, I have found that people who put weight on private communications with CEOs in making investment decisions often end up holding longer and losing more money than those maintain a healthy skepticism, especially when a CEO has an obvious track record of inaccuracy.

It should never be necessary to have to contact a public company CEO for information. They are supposed to disclose all material information to the public on a timely basis. Peter, like most Few PK CEOs does not do so.