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09/03/13 1:46 AM

#638 RE: IxCimi #636

"And once the American people see such footage, it will be impossible to stop a full-blown war between the United States and Syria."

If this goes down even close to this guy's portrayal, the US or Israel will end up dropping a nuke on Damascus, and that Biblical prophecy will be fulfilled in a hurry.

One of most intriguing Bible prophecies about the end times has to do with Isaiah 17. The prophecies in Isaiah 17 point to the destruction of Damascus, Syria. The Bible states that the destruction of Damascus will be so great that the city will be nothing but a "ruinous heap" after the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy. This is noteworthy because presently the city is recognized as the world's longest constantly inhabited city. The utter destruction of Damascus will be an event that only God could have predicted, yet he warns in Isaiah 17 that Damascus does have a date with destiny in the prophetic future:

Isa 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.


09/03/13 1:55 AM

#639 RE: IxCimi #636

Is there a rational thought in his mind?


09/14/13 2:08 AM

#674 RE: IxCimi #636

If I am reading this correctly (see link below), it is claiming a few missiles have already been fired and shot down, along with a potential plane, yet the MSM is not reporting this. The one thing I do agree with, is this part of one of the responses as to what will be the most likely initial result if missiles are fired at Syria, because they are smart enough to do what will cause the most harm, with the least amount of international wrath:

"I tend to think they may shoot down incoming missiles and aircraft, and will not fire on US vessels - they may instead opt to attack oil related targets in Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq and so on in retaliation.

These kind of targets will do more serious damage to the US economically, but the US public reaction to oil refineries being destroyed in Saudi will be of a completely different magnitude than hearing that a US carrier has been sunk."

Regardless, does anyone believe that Syria, as Barry said in his speech, basically could do nothing to protect itself or retaliate? I suppose the sheeple who believe that a guy with 3 months instruction in a single-engine plane could fly a jumbo jet with precision that most professional pilots claim they could never accomplish will believe anything that comes from DC and the MSM.