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09/02/13 10:46 AM

#2237 RE: gharma #2235

They had a little blip 11 days ago with RBC as they lowered their rating to underperform but TD raised their target from 50 to 60.

I'm expecting another record breaking 4th OTR. as their mill expansion comes online any day now. Setting up the 4th Q


09/06/13 3:05 AM

#2247 RE: gharma #2235

Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding
of the united states of America that the founding fathers
declared that only gold or silver coins can be 'money' in

Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a
lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim
check was issued as a money substitute.

People traded their coupons as money, or 'currency.' Currency is
not money, but a money substitute.

Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in
gold or silver money.

Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) make no such promises and are not 'money.'

A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal
United States Government, not 'money.'

The federal United States Government and the U.S. Congress were
not and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the
united states of America to issue currency of any kind, but
only lawful money - gold and silver coin.

LSG only needs to follow-through at this point.
If it meets its guidance for Q3 and Q4 demonstrating net
positive cash-flow if gold is at 1250-1300 things will imo fly
from there.
Why? Obviously the debt overhang could start to be dealt with,
but if gold move significantly higher into the end of the year
and LSG's all-in sustaining costs do work out to the area of
their guidance (1200 +/-) then LSG would also be positioned to
look at some of the cap ex for growth that it put on hold when
it refocused on the profitability milestones it is now
I am still thinking that it will take 2 to 4 quarters of good
numbers before LSG starts to regain the trust of mainstream
institutional investment the popularity with which is what had
driven it from a $2 to $4 stock a couple years back, and of
course the popularity of gold equities with these investment
houses needs to get some of its shine back also.
If all those stars align, which I do not see as at all
improbable, LSG could bring in the higher bag numbers.

by gharma thanks good info -

fiat currency created by khazarian gypsy king pin Rothschild
banksters cult -
as a slave 666 currency with only air and paper backing it -

beware soon NO ONE want the paper fiat -
God Bless