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09/01/13 4:17 AM

#162 RE: ShoeGlue #161

Agree 100%, reward will far outweigh the risk here going forward. JMO GLTU @ BLLAF :-)


09/01/13 8:35 AM

#163 RE: ShoeGlue #161

I really feel like this thing is a buy even right now but of course any investor wants to get in as cheap as possible. Billabong, despite its brand name being "worthless" right now is extremely reputable. They have established themselves as an internationally recognized brand that encompasses quality. I am not exactly sure where the floor is here but yes hearing something like that would be huge. I see this as a bank of america type deal where someone sees it as "too big to fail" and if someone else buys the brand why would they try to start a new brand when they can ride on the back of "billabong" and just rebuild an already mega name.