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08/30/13 11:03 PM

#41070 RE: d4diddy #41069

BTW, I believe the story told about the G4 CDEx shipped over a year ago supposedly to be used for multi-component drug concentration analysis was a big, fat, hairy lie.

I agree. Nevah Hoppened. JB thunk to AROUSE SOME DRUM-BEATS
Amongst the erstwhile suckers, set off some frantic share buying and attract some PP buyers.


The erstwhile suckers and LONGS become deeply suspicious of any and all things cdex by then. Suckers nae muir!!


09/11/13 9:12 PM

#41082 RE: d4diddy #41069


""BTW, I believe the story told about the G4 CDEx shipped over a year ago supposedly to be used for multi-component drug concentration analysis was a big, fat, hairy lie. ""

well hum, my BTW would say that I believe every word of that press release concerning the G4 that was shipped to study shelf life concentration.

One could have witnessed that at the last two ASHP's. That fact has been in the open arena for a while, lol, geeeeeez, lol.