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08/30/13 2:23 PM

#4088 RE: Ludar #4087

LMAO...there you go. Another BS "DD" play down the crapper.


08/30/13 2:47 PM

#4112 RE: Ludar #4087

Read close brotha, Taste of Aruba but was subsequently acquired by GPB through an agreement with Taste of Aruba.

GPB is part of DANR~

who fell for that crap????

On August 9, 2013, Dana Resources (the "Company") entered into an Asset Acquisition Agreement (the “Agreement”) with GPB International, LLC (“GPB”). Pursuant to the Agreement the Company acquired those assets owned by GPB related to the formulation, sales, marketing and distribution of that certain product known as B100%® (the “Assets”) including but not limited to patents, trademarks, know-how, trade secrets, supply lists and other assets and intellectual property of any kind, relating directly or indirectly to the manufacturing, sales and distribution of B100%®, which is a unique formulation and packaging for an electrolyte and vitamin enriched drinking water, held or otherwise owned by GPB, The Company acquired the Assets in exchange for $500,000, which will be paid in a combination of cash, common stock and assumption of liabilities.

Hi Terry,

You’re correct, the agreement between Dana Resources and GPB International, LLC is essentially the same as that entered into with Claridge Ventures in 2012. The Claridge agreement was terminated by GPB in March of 2013 as Claridge had been in default of the agreement for almost five months through no fault of GPB. Following termination of that agreement, GPB began searching for alternative sources of financing. That effort has led to the agreement with Dana Resources.

The domain name ‘’ was originally registered in the name of Taste of Aruba but was subsequently acquired by GPB through an agreement with Taste of Aruba/u]. The registration should have been changed to GPB at that time but it appears that was not done. However, that oversight has been corrected today. Incidentally, GPB has trademarked the domain name.

I hope the above answers your questions.

Take care,


08/31/13 7:59 AM

#4207 RE: Ludar #4087

<BUMP> Taste of Aruba link busted.
Just received email from Kelly Wood.

Hi Terry,

You’re correct, the agreement between Dana Resources and GPB International, LLC is essentially the same as that entered into with Claridge Ventures in 2012. The Claridge agreement was terminated by GPB in March of 2013 as Claridge had been in default of the agreement for almost five months through no fault of GPB. Following termination of that agreement, GPB began searching for alternative sources of financing. That effort has led to the agreement with Dana Resources.

The domain name ‘’ was originally registered in the name of Taste of Aruba but was subsequently acquired by GPB through an agreement with Taste of Aruba. The registration should have been changed to GPB at that time but it appears that was not done. However, that oversight has been corrected today. Incidentally, GPB has trademarked the domain name.

I hope the above answers your questions.

Take care,


09/02/13 8:34 AM

#4273 RE: Ludar #4087

Perfectly clear Taste of Aruba is NOT ASSOCIATED with this GPB/DANR deal.

They CLEARLY STATE in that email that GPB ACQUIRED THE ‘’ domain from Taste of Aruba so TOA is no longer associated with DRINKB100

Now the domain registration reads correctly which nails the coffin shut on this DOA Taste of Aruba hype.