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08/30/13 2:10 PM

#614 RE: 4thKing #612

What is clear to all is that short agenda is broadcasted on this board particularly strong at end of month! AGENDA!!!!! Im SORRY for any person having obviously so much anger and clearly dead set on convincing people to sell this stock. Unfortunately, those posters with such strong AGENDA are wasting their energy on the 5 or so people that actually follow this blog, they work so hard to convince people and by doing so expose their true purpose, cover the shorts who are loosing the battle.One can pick out negetive press and facts on ANY public company in existence. Look at TNIBs dozen or so well recognized scientists, MDs and PHDs, the 35 patents, the hundreds of successful clinical trials the published FDA approvals,phase 1 and 2 FDA approved on 5 or six diseases etc etc etc. So Gloria has no MD behind her name and suffered a prior bankruptcy, WHO CARES! REALLY! WHO CARES!! Try too hard to disrupt and convince and what happens? Give away real AGENDA!!!
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08/30/13 2:13 PM

#615 RE: 4thKing #612

4thKing - I wanted to short at 10 and couldn't find any shares to borrow - as you said, it has a tiny float and tens of millions of shares locked up as restricted.

This board is loaded with P&D rah rah's -- read my prior posts. They know nothing about medicine or what it takes to conduct proper studies on their product -- USE PATENTS of a long off-patent drugs.

I state simply "Hopkins and UMd oncologists laugh at this" and they say ... "Who are they? Name names!" ... YEAH RIGHT. My response: ASK ANY ONCOLOGIST. ANY.

This message and the rest are for any retired folks or anyone who reads a spam promotion rah rah and stumbles in here from google. Read the posts of 4thKing, BigBadWolf and myself and DON'T LET PUMPERS FLEECE YOU OUT OF YOUR RETIREMENT FUNDS.

THAT is what this is all about, and btw, Pumpers, THAT is why this stock trades down off of every pop -- for every share bought by a MARK, one of the corrupt insiders SELLS because this ship has no rudder, no motor and huge hole in the hull. No FUEL, either, they spend any sucker-loans on buybacks, their only strategy.

In particular, look up Noreen's EXACT ALLEGORY to this Pump -- GEECF -- here's a path:

1. See! It tripled on "news" to 28 cents...!

2. Heeeeeeere's Noreen:

3. Chart for GEECF - CLICK ON "MAX" ...:

This has been a PUBLIC SERVICE Announcement. (With guitars!)

(4thKing - Expect you may find harassment - I've had a number of posts removed, and just now found I'm limited to one post a day. NOBODY PUMPING seems to have that limit.)

(Admin - hey, I figure people are honest until proven otherwise, and you're not the admin from the removals. I have, howeveer, put a "time machine" - a change detection tracker - the board to document any such removals. Trust you ... but verifying)