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08/25/13 6:02 PM

#208248 RE: PegnVA #208246

it sure will Peg! just as it did the last time but I think even MORE now ... as they are being so cruel in denying health care to
......... all the poor people and the Working Poor people in their states ... Man , if that wouldn't get you out to vote ... nothing would ... ;) ..........

I read the a couple of days somewhere (maybe wapo) .. that 'repubs' were going to take up CLIMATE CHANGE! ... omg! .. .yep ... .they've started a whole big deal ! ...........I'll find and post it back to you ..........;) .. Al Gore is suddenly a Role Model for the teabaggers ... lololololol ... ;)


08/25/13 7:09 PM

#208254 RE: PegnVA #208246

House GOP Plans Mega-Hearing on Climate Change

House Energy and Power Chairman Ed Whitfield, R-Ky., will lead Sept. 18 hearing on climate change.

By Amy Harder
August 21, 2013 | 7:00 p.m.

If it provides a witness, EPA will likely be the star of the hearing. Administrator Gina McCarthy had not confirmed by Wednesday evening whether she or someone on her behalf would testify. EPA regulations are the centerpiece of Obama's climate plan, and by the time the hearing occurs in mid-September, EPA should be just days away from announcing draft rules for controlling greenhouse-gas emissions from new power plants. When Obama announced his climate plan in June, he gave EPA a Sept. 20 deadline to announce these regulations, which will be repurposed from ones the agency initially proposed last year.

The hearing, entitled "The Obama Administration's Climate Change Policies and Activities," will touch on the science underpinning global climate change. A draft of a major United Nations report leaked to Reuters [ ] earlier this week showed that the panel of scientific experts writing the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report is at least 95 percent certain that human activity—primarily burning of fossil fuels—is the biggest cause of global warming since the 1950s. The IPCC is the primary guide countries use when deciding how to confront climate change.

"The idea is to focus it on the administration's climate-change policy; obviously science is an integral part of that," said a Republican committee aide, who added that it will be "quite a production" covering a wide array of issues related to climate change.

Over the past two years, House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Whitfield have ignored numerous letters from Energy and Commerce ranking member Henry Waxman, D-Calif., and Energy and Power Subcommittee ranking member Bobby Rush, D-Ill., requesting a hearing on climate change and the latest science surrounding the issue. In the last Congress, the two Democrats sent 21 letters, according to their count. Upton and Whitfield responded to just one of those requests, in March of this year.

"We absolutely should hear from Administration witnesses about the threat of climate change," Waxman said in a statement to National Journal Daily. "We also should be hearing from the nation's leading scientists. Ever since the Republicans took over, the Committee has been AWOL on the biggest energy issue facing the nation. It's an embarrassing record that needs to change."

The agency heads the subcommittee has requested to testify are: McCarthy; Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz; HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius; Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack; Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx; Interior Secretary Sally Jewell; Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel; Secretary of State John Kerry; USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah; Export-Import Bank Chairman and President Fred Hochberg; White House Science and Technology Director John Holdren; NOAA Administrator Kathryn Sullivan; and NASA Administrator Charles Bolden Jr.

.........somehow I still not for sure, 100 percent trust them.