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08/25/13 11:36 AM

#115531 RE: MonestHind #115527

No one as a "whole" aims to shut F&F down !!! I think what you meant to say is "wind down"... Some people are delirious, especially those that can't read between the lines.
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Mikey Mike

08/25/13 12:33 PM

#115535 RE: MonestHind #115527

Then you should go on stock boards that has a pps of 0.0001 and pump it hoping one day it will go to the big boards...

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08/25/13 12:43 PM

#115536 RE: MonestHind #115527

What Was Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Financial Position?
In placing the GSEs under conservatorship, their new regulator, FHFA, said that they needed assistance to survive. FHFA reported that changes in the economy and the GSEs’ slow recovery from their earlier accounting and financial problems reduced their financial strength.55
The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO), which had been Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s safety and soundness regulator before July 30, 2008, repeatedly said that the GSEs had adequate capital.56 In other words, according to OFHEO, the GSEs had sufficient funds to survive their financial difficulties. Because details of the GSEs’ portfolios and guarantees include confidential and proprietary information, it is difficult to reconcile the two different assessments of the GSEs’ financial position. In broad terms, the GSEs purchased slightly more than $169 billion of private label subprime MBSs in 2006 and 2007; they purchased slightly less than $58 billion of Alt-A MBSs in the same time period, out of combined total mortgage purchases of $1.677 trillion.57 At the end of 2007, the subprime and Alt-A MBSs represented 13.5% of the GSEs’ total assets.
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08/25/13 2:26 PM

#115546 RE: MonestHind #115527

You are thinking hard, but you are missing the base group that supports Obama and the democrats. Their base is not the tax paying population, their base is the welfare and food stamp population. Fannie and Freddie, through the 1994 National Home Ownership Strategy where Bill Clinton pushed the concept that everyone should own a home. Regardless of what anyone says, that was the foundation of the housing bubble. All politicians fell in line afterwards, knowing that this concept meant votes. However, the homes low income families wanted were unaffordable. Builders were not building homes in neighborhoods in the price range of $30k to $50k, besides, low income families want the lifestyle others have that work and make money. Saul Alinsky spells out the liberal attack to divide the nation all too simply and plainly.

The organizer dedicated to changing the life of a particular community must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act. — P.116-117/

The NAACP came out and praised obama for supporting fnf, even though obama , to my knowledge, never did actually come out and support fnf. I take this as a warning shot from the NAACP to Obama to remember his base and not to stray away from the ideals that provide the democrats with votes. It took from 1994 until 2008 for the housing bubble to burst. Most politicians made their fortunes and were gone, or have jumped ship like Barney Frank.

This was a rather long response to your thought, but I think it's well worth understanding who is Obama's base and what their motives are. Tax payers for the most part are only a small portion of Obama voters.

Have a good day.
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08/25/13 3:28 PM

#115557 RE: MonestHind #115527

Actually, if that were true it would have been done by now.

Not when the President, federal legislators and the tax paying population as a whole aim to shut the companies down.

$3 dollars is a safe bet too. When the PPS runs past that again peeps chasing will gladly pay that and more. Even after the consolidation of the next run it will hold much higher than $3

Perfect time to average down now.
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08/26/13 2:42 AM

#115636 RE: MonestHind #115527

This stock is not going to zero, and is not going to $10 until we get definitive answers from the Government. For now its merely a daytrading stock, good for the up/down bumps and nothing more. Anybody telling you anything else they are either hyping or bashing. Both are incorrect at this moment.