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08/24/13 10:29 PM

#41044 RE: Crow3 #41043

Take away the history of cdex and the large disclaimer at the bottom, and it makes a quite persuasive pitch. The shareholders were quite sure that MP and them had saved them from a life of poverty and the poorhouse. Baxa would sell them thangs, and the damn SPIT BASHERS would eat CROW. (REAL CROW. CAW CAW.)

cdex was well over a buck a pop back then, and appeared to be heading higher. Tomsheboy (TB) posting as DUBYA in honor of the then President of the USA, was gleefully posting each days trading, and blaming the MMs on losing days. Fighting with LMOROVAN, forum monitor, when LMOROVAN deleted some of his posts and the some posts of Ontheedge.

Undaunted by the failure of VALIMED, cdex pushed ahead with the Myth Gun and came out with Valimed in different boxes, version 2 and version 3. V3 was maybe the most successful of any, and JB finally sold the remainder of them outa the junk room to Kuwait.

So now it is the IG4 or nothing. I vote nothing.

LMOROVAN, BTW, was later ousted from IHUB for unrelated reasons.
DUBYA (TB) went away with the expiring of the SOL and got in trouble with the IRS, losing his purple mansion near BOCA RATON in the process. Seems the press of bidness got to him and he slap fergits to file some returns. Prolly the fault of some MMs, somewhere. LOL!

The cdex SAGA, considerably watered doon, continues. How much longer can the funeral be postponed?? It is a W&S condition, as usual.