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08/25/13 3:15 PM

#7940 RE: Der Prediger #7939

I completely agree Der Prediger with your wisdom. Thanks


08/26/13 12:00 PM

#7942 RE: Der Prediger #7939

On the surface their technology seems amazing. There are some peer reviewed journals in the medical world that highlight how useful it can be, but I don't think this fact alone buys us an endless amount of time to generate profit.

They are not the only game in town, and those other players are working and doing research to develop their products as well. Nano might have the best thing right now but they have to get it out there which I just don't see them doing.

If a larger competitor, with a strong sales infrastructure and already built relationships comes up with a quick detection plate it could be a simple plug and play development for them. In that situation nano is out of the game before they ever really got in.

This happens all the time regardless of the industry.

I am rooting for Nano, but the clock is ticking IMO.