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09/05/13 1:58 PM

#215 RE: NYBob #214

Chemtrails, Makes it to Discovery Channel!

The show title is:
"America's Most Secret: Structures" Weather Control

Next showing of this episode is;
MILT Friday 09/06/2013 1:00am
DSCHD Thursday 09/12/2013 2:00pm
For your Cable provider, please check your local listings.

I'm amazed and shocked this made it to Television!
However, as this board here on iHub has demonstrated, by the lack of interest, I have my doubts that people will watch the show, let alone wake-up to the message!
Especially considered that "EVERYONE" is affected by the Chemicals in Chemtrails.

America is doomed if the Sheeple don't wake-up and shed their sleep clothing and help protest this outrage against humanity.
Chemtrails all day again today and I'm very outraged that these CRIMINALS are getting away with spraying Poison on everyone and ME.
No Citizen (that I've ever heard-of) has ever authorized anyone to spray poison on them and I'm certain they never would and yet, these CRIMINALS act as if they can do anything they wish, to anyone they wish, whenever they wish.

"Wake-up" all you Dumb-Ass Sheeple.
If "YOU" don't like being called Dumb-Ass Sheeple then, "Wake-up" and help stop this outrage before it's too late for US ALL!!!!!

Discovery Channel Airs Weather Control, Aerosols and Interview with Michael Murphy
November 17, 2012