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08/22/13 10:36 AM

#41696 RE: Black Hills #41695

you are nervous ? your posts are freaking me out. lol
good luck !


08/22/13 10:41 AM

#41698 RE: Black Hills #41695

HJJ is a Federal judge appointed by President Clinton and confirmed by the Senate. He is 65 years old next year and this is likely his last big case...he is not going to go out with a cloud over his reputation.

Red Angus

08/22/13 10:50 AM

#41700 RE: Black Hills #41695

Black--No, of course if Google has a legitimate workaround things change in a big way. I'm assuming that Google does not have a workaround. In fact I'm hoping that their continued claims of a workaround prove to be nothing more than a contemptuous misrepresentation to the court.

If you're assuming that Big Bad Goog is right, and Vrng & Co. is wrong, on the workaround many things change. I'm not in that camp.

I do agree that Google and its officers have influential friends in high places (just look at the campaign contribution info and I don't like what the prez said about patent trolls) BUT there comes a time when we have to hope that our courts don't allow themselves to be influenced politically. If the opposite is true, we're all screwed.

Except for the delays, I'm very, very optimistic about the final outcome here.


08/22/13 11:00 AM

#41703 RE: Black Hills #41695

1. Yes they are still wilful until the point at which the workaround is implemented (and actually is proven to work).

2. The fact they are suggesting a workaround effectively proves they are wilful

3. Google has no grounds left on appeal. After USPTO they have no legal way to win this.

4. Of course JJ has to rule, they can't appeal a non ruling. He has already set a date for the hearing if they can't come to a settlement.

stop worrying. there is NOTHING in left in this case other than a potential w/a, and if there, all it does is set a sunset date on the patents.

given the amount of time already passed and wilful, all in all damages even if there is a workaround will be more than the current market cap.