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08/23/13 3:08 PM

#81455 RE: Solantey #81342

As the population ages, the market for Alzheimer's and cognitive disorders is exploding.
Current treatments stabilize symptoms only for a short period of time.
What is on the horizon for symptom improvement and disease modification from drug and device companies?

Session Chair: Christian Hordo, Senior Manager Business Development, Genentech
Genentech's mission is to develop drugs to address significant unmet medical

Bjorn Larsson, Executive Chairman, Alzinova
Alzinova AB is a privately held Swedish biotechnology enterprise engaged in drug discovery research for Alzheimer’s disease

Hendrik Leibers, CFO, Probiodrug
Probiodrug AG is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of innovative oral drugs for the treatment of major age related diseases.

Koen de Witte, Managing Director, reMYND
reMYND drives the development of disease-modifying treatments against Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Diabetes and other protein misfolding disorders

Gerald Commissiong, President & CEO, Amarantus Bioscience

Out of the 4 companies above, Amarantus is the best fit for a device company since it owns the Lympro Test, which is a device; a diagnostic product. Gerald could present the latest data from DBX and talk about the LymPro Test Kit. Doesn't sound right to talk about the old data