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08/21/13 7:01 AM

#114145 RE: jaydubs #114142

Sort of like everything with the government .......take take take. Nom Nom Nom Nom
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08/21/13 10:10 AM

#114205 RE: jaydubs #114142

Washington is desperate for funding, they were in danger of a shutdown earlier this year but F&F saved them. They are in the drivers seat and will continue to raid the GSE coffers to line their own pockets for as long as they can get away with it. There are only 2 ways to stop it, pressure from the media and/or a ruling through the court system. They have the media under their control for the most part and the courts have already stated they would prefer the Feds resolve this on their own. The media will continue to take their handouts and a court ruling is highly unlikely to happen anytime soon. As long as they can keep the general public snowed over as to what is really going on, the corruption will continue. The Feds have us right where they want us.

Recall, it was one of Obama's early campaign promises to get rid of the corruption and lobbyists in Washington. Time for an update on the progress.

"its not set up to pay off the govt, ever! The govt just takes the profits for as long as they want to. Sad but true!"