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08/21/13 4:59 AM

#11251 RE: jwnoble3 #11250

Housing Finance Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act (Corker Bill).

I read through the important parts of the bill again and it is setup to "abolish" but with a few minor last minute tweaks it could look like the Blueprint for Housing Finance Reform in America written by Jim Milstein.

"Jim Millstein, a former Treasury officer involved with the restructuring and recapitalizing of AIG, has bought shares of Fannie Mae through his company, according to Inside Mortgage Finance."

The Milstein approach is more inline with what Harry Reid is favoring.

“He says he wants to get rid of [Fannie and Freddie]. We’ve got to be very, very careful doing that,” Reid said. “I have no problem looking at them, revamping. But I think getting rid of them is not the right thing to do.”

The only difference I see with the two approaches is the Corker bill will wind down and the Millstein approach would recapitalize.

Both would utilize the FMIC only one would stop the lawsuits and satisfy all parties.

Blueprint for Housing Finance Reform in America:

Housing Finance Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act Summary:

Housing Finance Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act Bill: 13%20BILL%20TEXT.%20Housing%20Finance%20Reform%20&%20Taxpayer%20Protection%20Act%20.pdf

Jim Millstein Fannie Mae shareholder:


08/21/13 8:44 AM

#11253 RE: jwnoble3 #11250

Jr pref holders better off with two Attorneys heading FHFA (Watt- JD)''

i could not disagree more. watt is a know nothing person who happens to have a law degree, and a strong allegiance to the black cacaus, and to obama. he has been tasked with terminating fnf as soon as possible. the saving grace is that this guy has never done anything and probably is incapable of doing anything. check the legislation he has intorduced, and the passed bills. legal training is to find loopholes. not to be a productive member of society. watt has never done nothing. this is not a raciest rant. watt is just worthless. demarco has done a brilliant job of threading fnf through the mine field, and creating the most profitable orginazation in the world, in spite of 400+ lawyers trying to stop him.(congress).


08/21/13 11:16 PM

#11272 RE: jwnoble3 #11250

Also, trying to prepare mentally for all the litigation headline/price swings that will likely ensue.

like what swings? do you think that sep 9th may be a wild day after sep 7th response deadline on injunction?