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08/20/13 10:54 PM

#61657 RE: highflier #61654

Highflier...excellent response!!

Exactly exactly exactly!!

I hope everybody reads this. It is exactly why the shares are NOT going into the market. I've been 'picking' my last few posts...trying to get some response out of "the others" BUT it seems as soon as I or others mentioned the BUZZ created...they disappeared.

tangerine, Vert, Hook, Muff, you, and others have been doing an amazing job keeping the proper information flowing. Thank You!!

This in my last post for the evening...after midnight I get my 15 again...haha...

Have a great evening - looking forward to an exciting hump daaaaay now that vacation is over :( !!


"Since the last dilution we have had 9 up days and 4 down days. The price then was .0024, yesterday we closed at .0031. It is IMPOSSILBE for 29,000,000 shares to be diluted into the market in 13 trading days and the stock price go up 25%. There is no way in hell that could have happend IF those 29,000,000 shares went into the market. Once again it would of also been IMPOSSIBLE to have 9 days the price traded up compared to 4 day traded down. I don't care what anyone says, volume, price, trading action says those 29,000,000 shares did not trade into the market. When companies dilute millions of shares into the market the share price ALWAYS GOES DOWN!!

One other point since they have diluted over 130 million share in the past 7 weeks the price has went from .002 to .003, a 50% increase in price. I've seen several companies dilutes 30-50 million shares and you will typically see a price drop anywhere from 10%-30%. You will never see a company dilute over 130 million shares in 7 weeks and see the price increase 50%. The reason for the increase instead of a decrease, the shares are not going into the market. People need to start to see this for themselves. "



08/20/13 11:39 PM

#61662 RE: highflier #61654

It is almost incomprehensible that any SNDY LONG would be celebrating a move from .002 to .003 and acting like it was some kind of great accomplishment. Remember when .015 was supposed to be the absolute bottom and "investors better buy up all they can at .015 because once News hits .015 would never be seen again." Of course .015 was never seen again as the stock dropped like a rock all the way down to .002. However, on the way down, .012 was proclaimed the "absolute bottom," then .01 was the bottom and the stock would never go below .01. Then .008 was the bottom and better buy all you can because .008 would never be seen again. Then .006 was the absolute bottom. Then .005, then .004 was really, this time for sure, the absolute bottom.

Now the stock is trading in the .002's and peeps are crowing about the price moving from .002 to .003 like it is a great accomplishment! Incredible. I am just shaking my head in disbelief.