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08/20/13 4:43 PM

#844 RE: Cobra Kai #843

more info on Dassault from Wikipedia. They have 8,000 aircraft since 1945 71% being the Falcon series. which is 5,680 aircraft. now that might not seem like a lot but consider that the repair and maintenance on 1 of these multi million dollar air craft are probably somewhere between 100,000$-500,000$ example from Phoenix Rising Aviation website

"Here is a recent example of why you should choose Phoenix Rising Aviation:
A Falcon 10 came to us for a 2C and B inspections, an overhaul on the nose and main landing gear, and over 60 discrepancies final bill was only $246,577.10. They were told by a larger shop to budget $400,000.00. That is the kind a savings we try to do here at Phoenix Rising Aviation, Inc."

lets say you get just 10 repairs per year you can see anywhere from 1-5 million $ in revenue...
ALso the Falcon series has 30% of the current market share


08/30/13 10:16 AM

#860 RE: Cobra Kai #843

wow read this article very good news out for Saker today