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08/20/13 12:43 PM

#8827 RE: stock_peeker #8826

OT: stock_peeker

Thanks for the synopsis of bipolar disorder. It explained something that had me puzzled. I worked with a woman who would become manic for weeks on end, then end up institutionalized for 6 months after she had spiraled into depression. She was a Type I.

Interestingly, the guy who I have been trying to get to do home repairs and remodeling has the characteristics of someone who is type I. His "ex-wife" told me that his mother was bipolar, and when he did repairs for me one time, he was as pumped up and energetic at 6:00 p.m. as he was when he arrived at 9:00 a.m., playing heavy metal all day. He is very talented. I've been waiting for a month for him to get back to me about another job. So I'm pretty sure I've been around people who have both types.

Now this is interesting. Read today that British researchers have identified an enzyme that may cause bipolar people to commit suicide.

Bipolar disorder might be an explanation for our Lentinman's two failed marriages. I often thought he had to be single because no wife would put up with someone who stayed up half of the night on the internet.

Regardless, it won't bring him back, and, with or without his website, he's someone I'll always remember with fondness.

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08/20/13 9:23 PM

#8830 RE: stock_peeker #8826

OT: Thank you, stock-pecker ...

You are a very thoughtful guy. I basically
agree with your speculations concerning

The dirty little secret is this: Genetic Defects
of all types are cumulative. Both the mother
and father pass their genetic defects on to their
children. Over time, the human genome is
becoming more and more degenerate.

Eventually, the human genome will be so
degenerate that we will NOT be able to reproduce.
Here's a video on this reality, called Genetic
Entropy, if you are interested:

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08/21/13 1:12 AM

#8837 RE: stock_peeker #8826

OT, Lentiman was a class act and the

Tinman will be missed on the net boards...

He was a gifted writer and able to explain

complex subjects...And had more stats than a

cat has whiskers to support his position...

Now, I have a lingering question after seeing

that in his passing He was said to only have

2 sibling relatives as close kin...

In a more spirited time from the past Len used

his humor while discussing huddling in the frigid

cold to do his part to conserve energy and save on

the rising costs of fuel...

It seemed to me that at one time He mentioned a

wife and daughter being donwstairs while he used an

office on an upper floor...And that they did not share

in his zest for freezing to save on energy costs...

Does anyone else recall any posting of that type?...

The seperation anxiety of relationships is often the

most depressing encounter anyone will ever endure...

And that is why I wondered if I had incorrectly

remembered a past posting from Lentiman...

Sad to reflect and ask about this after Mr. Manley

has passed...Sorry for everyone's loss...LJ

*Len, also mentioned he was thinking of getting some

small livestock in a post...which I doubt he did after

the recent news...They could have added some purpose

and need where he didn't feel it existed...