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08/19/13 6:48 PM

#207975 RE: BOREALIS #207902

North Carolina election officials chipping away at student vote

Mon Aug 19, 2013 at 10:42 AM PDT
by Meteor Blades

The objective of the new voting laws in North Carolina are clear. They are designed to place obstacles in the path of citizens who traditionally vote Democratic—African Americans, students, the poor—to slice a percentage of them off the final tallies.
Unlike their predecessors who did all in their considerable power under Jim Crow to keep nearly everyone in a certain category from voting, the latter-day suppressors know that, in many election contests, knocking off a few percentage points is all that is needed for victory.

College students are one of the targets for this assault on voting rights. Efforts to curb student voting started in 1971 when 18-year-olds first got the right to vote and has continued ever since even though, for 34 years, students have, thanks to the federal appeals court decision in Symm v. U.S. [ ] had the right to vote in the communities where they attend school. North Carolina isn't alone among the states that have played various the angles to get around this. Among the methods has been the official spread of false information and scare tactics to keep students from the polls.

Under the new state law passed in the wake of the Supreme Court's gutting of a key portion of the Voting Rights Act, officials in North Carolina are now moving to undermine the student vote. You can bet that other states are watching to see how this goes.

Before you read below the fold, please join Daily Kos by urging Congress to save the Voting Rights Act by creating a new preclearance formula.

For instance, the Watauga County election board has decided to eliminate an election precinct and early voting site on the campus of Appalachian State University. The board in Pasquotank County has nixed a student at Elizabeth City State University from running for city council. The argument: The student's on-campus address means he is not a legal resident and thus cannot seek public office.
And then there's this: [ ]

The Republican chairman of the Forsyth County Board of Elections, citing what he views as voting irregularities, said he will try to eliminate the Anderson Center at the historically black Winston-Salem State University as a site for early voting. [...]

Fueling Raymond’s concerns, he said, are comments that he heard as an elections precinct judge in 2010. WSSU students, openly talking, said they were casting ballots for credit in a class, according to Raymond, a situation he described as illegal.

Citing N.C. General Statute 163-275, subsection 2, which says that it is unlawful for “any person to give or promise or request or accept at any time, before or after any such primary or election, any money, property or other thing of value whatsoever in return for the vote of any elector,” Raymond said the Anderson Center should not be used anymore.

Bob Hall, the executive director of the elections watchdog group Democracy N.C., agrees that it would be improper if a professor promised to give credit to students for voting but not for writing an essay about their voting experience or whether students (or anyone) should bother voting. But the alleged talk about getting credit has not been confirmed and Republicans have sought to close down the Anderson Center site ever since it opened in 2008.

Hall said, “I think it is unfortunate and disappointing that there is a pattern of looking at colleges, and black colleges, that the Republican leadership is targeting certain groups.”

The Winston-Salem Journal quoted Susan Campbell, the chairwoman of the Forsyth County Democratic Party, as mocking the Republican effort. “It is shocking. And it’s done with such arrogance—now we’re in charge—we’re going to put up barriers.” She said that if the site is eliminated, the party will make every effort to ensure that students get a chance to register and vote elsewhere in the county.


08/19/13 6:51 PM

#207976 RE: BOREALIS #207902

Democratic North Carolina State Senator Resigns From Office To Help People Get Voter ID

By: Jason EasleyAug. 19th, 2013

Many Democrats talk about fighting back against voter suppression, but North Carolina state senator Ellie Kinnaird resigned from office today in order to work on a grassroots project to help people obtain voter IDs.

In a statement annoucing her resignation, Sen. Kinnaird said:

What led me to this decision are the actions taken by the Republican majority in the legislature that has been a shocking reversal of the many progressive measures that I and many others have worked so hard to enact: measures that over the years had made North Carolina a model of moderate-to-progressive, pro-business but also pro-people public policy in the South. From the Republicans’ denial of health care security for our people to their failure to promote a vibrant work force through support for our education systems at all levels and from their tax cuts for the wealthy and their tax increases for the poor and middle class to their efforts to deny people their right to vote, they have been pursuing a divisive and, I think, immoral agenda. The needless pain and suffering the Republicans have brought upon us that I have written about add up to a huge setback for North Carolinians from all walks of life. My own personal sadness is the dismantling of my environmental, social justice and death penalty efforts.

I am heartened, however, by the many grassroots efforts to fight for the rights, the health and safety and the opportunities our people need and deserve from the Moral Monday movement to the many non-governmental organizations that advocate for the people of our state, not the special interests. It is here that I want and need to put my energy and efforts. I am working with others on a grass-roots project to make sure everyone in the state has a proper voter ID so that no votes are denied, even though the Voter ID bill is aimed at exactly that – repressing the vote. I am going to work for candidates in the next election who reflect our values. The values of all those who came to Moral Mondays and who have contacted me by emails, calls and letters expressing your dismay at what has happened to our progressive and forward-looking state. I look forward to working together to change this course and restore our state to the shining beacon it was for so long.

How many Democrats do you know that would resign from elected office to go help people obtain the proper identification so that they can vote? Sen. Kinnaird is standing up for what is really important. She could have stayed in office and continued to collect her salary, but she realized that she could make more of a difference on the ground by helping people get the proper identification.

Sen. Kinnaird is an example of why the Republican movement to suppress the vote is destined to fail. People will fight to make sure that their voices are heard. They will stand up in opposition to disenfranchisement. Instead of keeping voters at home, Republican voter ID laws motivate people to do what they have to do in order to vote. By turning voting into an act of defiance, Republicans are helping the movement to defeat them grow.

Which each movement to suppress the vote, Republicans are placing another shovelful of dirt on their political graves