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08/15/13 8:06 PM

#4183 RE: kungfu1 #4182

Kungfu I would not be so glum.

Yes, you might have a lot at stake in NTCXF. And it is hard to project a time line forward. But they do have the one thing you tend to want in a big hitter type speculative penny stock.

If they do hit it big, they will be sort of the only kid on the block. Something like the layered dot cells, expecially if done roll to roll and if done on something not silicon based. Maybe carbon based. So much is not known about that type of technology and what it would / could do to completely change solar as it is presently known. The entire technology part of it, the marketing, who can / will use it.

Like what would it do to panel working life? Nothing in the present designs of silicon cells is going to change very dramatic. And how far away are they and what is the time line forward, can be frustrating?

But if successful probably looking at a very big hitter.

Part of it I think is never put all the eggs in one basket. You can find a bunch of these potential penny stocks that can go to God Awful heights. Trick being to sort them out and have some reasonable expectations. Many of them all have that problem of being able to judge the time frame to success. Not all of them will work out.

I have a number of them. Any one of them could make the rest of my holdings look sick if they hit big. From time to time, I do adjust how much I hold of each.

Click on My Name on this post, then click on My Stocks. Look for the one starting with the letter Z. Another speculative stock but probably far easier to judge at this point. Being a miner, we already have a very good sense of the success, what the timeline forward is. Probably pretty sure thing at this point, will know a lot better around the end of the month. All about Breccia, nobody else to date got anything like it, at this point is more a question how much we got and what / how will we get paid. They call it a freak, nobody in history has found anything like this. Maybe the most profitable stuff you can pull out of the ground.

General thinking will be a buyout around 1Q 2014, SP in general probably over $100, (maybe a lot more). Nobody ever had any to sell before, crazy economics, huge profits. Final details could be a big surprise to the plus side. Lots of stuff to know about it all. I'm just riding easy, in at the small penny range, been learning as it goes. At this point question is not will it all work, more like how big. And they could be sitting on a bunch more that they ain't saying about. Only a very, very small part of their total claims area. Lots of wantabee's trying to buy in around them. They have the commanding lead at this point, plus already have proved up a lot of tons of the stuff.

Lots of info on it, IHub is good. Easier to take if you get one or two of the plays working. Same thing with the medico type plays, can be risk but get the right ones, can go to the stars, might take a few years.

Would not give up on NTCXF just yet. The insiders got a lot to lose too. Can be wildly rich if they do it right.