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08/15/13 7:42 AM

#155505 RE: lentinman #155503

great to "see" you len! best of luck to you in your endeavor.


08/15/13 9:19 AM

#155508 RE: lentinman #155503

Lentinman, glad to hear from you

Hope to see more of you. Best

10 bagger

08/15/13 11:02 AM

#155515 RE: lentinman #155503

Len ,, I guess because it's summer you can move your fingers again.. Kinda cold last winter and I guess it's been a long time to thaw them out.. Send us a link to your new site's.. Best of luck to you,, send me a PM and the next time I'm in KC we can have dinner.. BTW,, we won on GFCI.. Best hank..


08/15/13 12:00 PM

#155519 RE: lentinman #155503

Great to hear you have found your calling. I will be sure to read your blog. Seems a lifetime ago when you reported your ill fated attempt to move to the promised land in Florida and warned us about the real estate bubble.

Could have used a little warning about commodities and specifically mining stocks over the past year. Of course, I probably wouldn't have listened.

Thanks for stopping by.



08/17/13 3:33 PM

#155578 RE: lentinman #155503

excerpt - The reason for my departure is 100% within my ability to control. You see, earlier today, I committed suicide. I created a web-site to deal with the many questions a person would rightfully have. It’s called It went live today. In my opinion, there is no question which you could conceivably ask that I have left unanswered on that site. My goal with this post is closure for SIR.

I have communicated with hundreds of readers over the years and I’ve made a lot of internet friends. I’m impressed that there really are intelligent people still left out there considering the decline in our educational standards. Even so, it took a special breed to read my writings because a good deal of it was either extremely targeted to a narrow field or else very esoteric or both. And, I didn’t pull any punches when being critical of coaches, players or announcers – some of which were either incredibly ignorant or simply incompetent – and I think you know who I’m referring to.

That kind of talk turned some people off, but the one thing I always did was to provide extremely detailed evidence of any position I had on anything. When a spade is a spade, I felt it was fair to call it a spade… and I didn’t care who liked it or who didn’t.

But, that’s all in the past now. For those of you that regularly email me and converse about issues that would cause the vast majority of the population’s eyes to glaze over, I hope you find a way to get your fix in the future. Thanks for reading!

This site, as well as will be active at least until early 2018 because it is prepaid that long.




09/02/13 9:59 AM

#155800 RE: lentinman #155503

Lentinman: I am shocked and saddened to learn of Len's decision to end his life after 60 years. Although I can understand that as the quality of life diminishes in advancing years, death becomes an increasingly appealing alternative, it seems to me that Len had many worthwhile years left to live. He did leave an amazing website about his life that I plan to skim as time permits -

Lentinman stopped being an active poster 5 years ago after the 2008 market crash, but before that he was the most prolific poster on the Value Microcaps Board. He was instrumental in moving us from the unreliable Raging Bull website to IHUB at the end of 2004. At that time VMC was a far more active board and he made sure the discussion remained on topic and civil. He's a very memorable character, but perhaps his very bearish views of the market and economy were a reflection of his own inner depression. He has been missed and will continue to be missed.