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08/14/13 10:15 PM

#62127 RE: igotthemojo #62122

AAPL has been doing buy backs for long time so there is no reason to believe they won't do it again. It has been pointed out on CNBC several times. Carl Icahn made smart move but everyone knew about it. Carl Icahn can't do squat to re-organize or restructure AAPL.


08/14/13 11:04 PM

#62131 RE: igotthemojo #62122

The point is if he says it can go there it will head there. He spoke and he made 5% on his money.
What did apple do that made their market cap increase 45 billion yesterday?

Answer ... nothing.

The PPS increased 10% since he spoke. That is all it took.

Remember penny stock chaser? when they spoke the stock exploded too.
They made millions in investing in a day cause they spoke too.

There is no difference. The only difference is the wallet size. He made his billions by telling people what to buy after buying it himself.

SWA does the same thing here and if the people listen and the PPS climbs 10%. Th difference is we get people screaming P&D.

So lets put this into perspective. Did Kim have a closed door meeting with the CEO of SWA and then the newsletter said buy?

Thats what Icahn and apple did.

You think apple wrote him a big fat check or a bunch of free shares for him to say that? Maybe he got his large amount of shares at a discount. That is very common with billionaires.

My point is that like apple Kim did not ask for the pump. Like apple the PPS increases with promotion. and UNLIKE apple, Kim does not pump the news every day.

What do you suppose would happen if apple went through a 9 month period without a single word to its investors? What do you suppose the PPS would be 9 months later the day before news?