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John B

08/14/13 11:58 AM

#588 RE: Liquid_Bull #587

Another case of poor management execution.
Like you said, if they would have done a offering
at higher prices they would have the cash to maybe
make it through a turn around. The execuses for the
miss last quarter were also things that management
should have been aware of ahead of time (other than
weather in Canada).
It is really going to hurt the float if they have to
issue shares under $1.00.


08/14/13 12:14 PM

#589 RE: Liquid_Bull #587

That is why a seasoned CEO and or CFO is so crucial for a young and growing company.

Wondering if any sugar daddy might step in and scoop up chunk of this outfit for keep, or just a bunch of sharks circling around this financially poorly managed company?