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08/14/13 9:30 AM

#62104 RE: nimbustux #62103

Must be part of some pump..:)


08/14/13 9:34 AM

#62106 RE: nimbustux #62103

Here is why.

Got Spider Silk?
Posted on August 14, 2013 by Editor

In case you have missed any of my other emails, I am making sure that you are on high watch for Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. :KBLB:

Recently the company announced their plans to begin the commercial production process for their Spider Silk. The company went through a test of the production process a few months ago, and announced it was a success.

This means we are expecting updates on this very soon!

I am suggesting to all readers, traders, market-participants to get into KBLB now, before the 4th quarter push hits the market.

:KBLB: has been under accumulation now for a bit, and continues to trade in a nice range. Production should set the world blazing with news and feature articles, as recent increases in press have been seen.

Recently Kraig was mentioned in a Wall Street Journal article, along with Spiber and other competitors all searching for the “holy Grail” of fiber technology

:KBLB: has been known to put out news only when it is truly news worthy, so while we are waiting for Kim to give the markets some direction, we should all take his past actions as barometer for the next news.

If the production starts and we have product :KBLB: is gone as we know it.

Kraig going into production at affordable prices will immediately make it a competitor for anyone using Kevlar and many other Fibers.

People ask me all the time what takes so long, if he has the fiber why can’t someone just pay him to get it to production?

Kim has created this with 2 major universities here in the U.S. and his scientific team along with Kraig Labs have taken their time and worked on this project with a shoe string budget.

Companies in the past have raised at least 10 times what Kraig has for Spider Silk (Nexia) and failed to create it or spin it! And no one has made a commercially viable batch of it to date!


Why does it take so long to get to market?

Kim has to balance the company’s financial needs, with the market, and his shareholders. Think about it… If Kim wanted to just go create Spider Silk for himself, I am certain someone would buy what he has right now. But how would that benefit his shareholders who have been supporting the company? :KBLB: must take into account shareholders and the companies needs at the same time. Taking VC money would be very expensive and dilutive for Kraig, so they have slowly been raising money to do all the work.

These things take some time, but we do know Kraig has the best idea on how to get this to market, it just makes too much sense!

We know that Kraig puts out news when they have real news, and we know when the company says they are going to do something they generally do it.

Kraig is a biotechnology company, and offers shareholders a real reward scenario, where they could make a bundle if the company is first to market. A Bundle!

Don’t get deterred… in order for Kraig to remain Kraig, Kim must choose his partners and his financiers wisely, it is after all the smallest exchange, where all the sharks are swimming. Kim has done a great job navigating these waters so far.

Patience is what pays off in business, waiting for the right pitch! Loudmouths always have easy answers but never really think through the problems to a winning solution. Stick to a winner, dump your losers and get into Kraig

Add :KBLB: to your portfolio now, and watch as the company spins some value to your nest egg.

Get ready because as news is released, the company usually reacts positively in the market
