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08/14/13 12:03 AM

#207706 RE: rooster #207705

Are Republicans truly lunatics? It is actually worse.

.. heh .. capitals and language in places reveal a bit where this poster is coming
from, yet basically it is fair .. it states quite clearly how your lunatic claim "Well
hopefully the republicans will go some balls and put an end to that lunacy.
" stands ..

Lets face the FACT, Republicans: Cantor, Romney, Bush, Rush, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, etc. are either complete lunatics or WORSE the TRUE ENEMY within.

About being lunatics: ABSOLUTE proof of this comes from conservative parties in Europe, Canada, Israel, etc. because ALL these Conservative parties are 100% for their Government run Universal Socialized Health care(NHS), what Republicans call "Socialism" and oppose. So either ALL Conservative parties in Europe, Canada, Israel, etc. are "Socialists" or Republicans in US are complete lunatics.

So why ALL Conservative parties, repeat for Republican lunatics & lying US Media, ALL Conservative parties, in Europe, Canada, Israel, etc. are 100% for their NHS? Because it SAVES 50% on cost of health care while giving health care to all.

Also lets face this FACT: Obama Admin is a HOAX. Since they passed a near JOKE of health care reform since it is anything but NHS, in fact it is NOT as Liberal as RomneyCare which was proposed by Ultra right-wing Heritage Foundation! Yet Republicans are playing such Con Job on US to call it "Socialism"! - More on this here .. .

About being the TRUE ENEMY within

Now you want irrefutable proof that Republicans, and Wall Street owned Medial behind them are the TRUE ENEMY within? You can have this proof by asking them a few questions, that is ask them:

1- What do you think of Government run Universal Nationalized Health Care (aka NHS)?

They would answer that NHS is "Socialism Socialist".

2- Then ask them what do you think of Israel?
They would answer as Romney just said in Israel, or Obama has:
"Israel is an example of a Free Market economy success",
"Your health care system is a Marvel"!

Then ask them, do you know that Israel has totally free Universal Socialized health care? Where all Israeli's have access to same health care from cradle to grave FREE for Taxes they pay. Here:

So how can you (bastards) explain your opposition to NHS for American people, resulting in 50,000+ Americans being KILLED each year due to denial of health care due to pre-existing Condition alone, etc. while your beloved Israel has NHS? HOW?

You can also replace in above Q&A Israel with Margaret Thatchers Conservative party in UK, since again they are 100% for their NHS too and Republicans and right-wing Media have told us how Margaret Thatchers Conservative party in UK is an example of a "Free Market Enterprise..." etc. which of course is TRUE More on this here .. .

An astonishing demonstration of Republican Con Job, their all of a sudden worry about Debt & Deficits

A further ultimate example of Republicans Con Jon against American People, is Republicans all of a sudden worry about Debt & Deficits. Because here are steps that would replace the Deficits with HUGE Surpluses and Republicans oppose them ALL:

1- Have Universal nationalized health care as they have in all Developed countries, since in all countries that have real NHS, health care is taking about 9% of the GDP whereas in US with for profit health care, health care is taking a DEFICIT BUSTING 18% of GDP.

2- Have the Super rich such as Romney who paid 14% on his $42Mill income last year pay same 32% as Middle class pay. Or have the Rich pay the same FICA Taxes as Middle class, that is not have these Taxes capped at like $110K per year.

3- Cancel the Bush Tax cuts for the wealthiest top 1%, this will save almost $1Trillion over 10 years. Keeping in mind that by canceling the Bush Tax cut for the wealthiest top 1% we are talking about going to Tax rates that existed during Clinton era.

4- End the Afghanistan War & do not start a new War in Middle East.

5- Cut the US Military budget to half of what it was during Reagan area. After all Soviet Union DOES NOT Exist anymore And Taliban has ZERO Planes, ZERO Ships, ZERO Submarines, ZERO etc. real Weapons. So this means cutting the US Military budget to $200Bill per year.

So above Steps would cut the Deficits by at least $15-Trillion over next 10 years and Republicans oppose ALL of them! And what Steps do Republicans and right-wing Media suggest for cutting the Deficits? They suggest cutting the modest $60K per year salary of Teachers, Union Workers, or the pathetic $1500 per month Social Security of retires, etc.! What further proof do you need that GOP is all about a Con Job on you! More on these Steps here .. .

Some Republicans are very very smart

So Republican party is composed of 3 distinct groups:

1st group, which is 1% of the Republican party - The Super rich and Top brass of Big corporations (aka Wall Street gang) who want to make as much money as possible, darn be the American people or anyone else if that would reduce their ability to make $40Mill per year and fly in $50Mill private Jets, and this group controls the US Media to a 99% extent, at least they did before the Internet.

2nd group, which is about 99% of Republican party - Highly uneducated, untraveled, consumed by fear, consumed by anger, believers that Armageddon is coming and that in the ensuing world calamity which to their insane minds is good Jesus will take them to heaven in a Rapture, and other crazy's and "White Trash", who are brain washed by right-wing Media to act against their own self interest and instead act for the interest of 1% at the top.

3rd group - Agents of 1st group working in Media outlets they own, such as Talkradio (i.e., Rush, Beck, etc.), Fix news, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, etc. whose job is to LIE and LIE to brain wash the 2nd group. For example such brain washing non-sense as "Government is the problem not the solution", which is the "Ultimate Con Job" to have you pay Taxes but ask and get nothing for your Taxes.

So the 1% of Republicans who control the Big corporations, Big Media, are very very smart, it is just that they are controlling with lies the uneducated masses (aka the White Trash that listens to Rush, Beck, Fix news, etc.) and those who are truly lunatics to fall for their lies.

Update Mar/05/2010: As a ultimate proof of above point, check out the document that the RNC put out the last week of Feb/10 which pretty much states the above strategy for controlling the uneducated "white trash" by playing on their fear and hate, here:

Many Democrats are just Republic-rats

Lets also state the obvious FACT that many Democrats too are just as owned and controlled by the Wall Street gang, and the right-wing Media that they control, as all Republicans are. After all just take the joke of the health care reform that Obama/Dems passed, that is:

Obama/Dems ran on the promise of bringing about Universal Health Care. They did not deliver on this, NOT even remotely close to it. I mean Obama/Dems could have easily said lets have a Universal nationalized health care as they have in UK. The type of Universal nationalized health care that Margaret Thatcher's Conservative party is 100% for. As a result of which ALL Americans would have health care for FREE, FREE for the Taxes that we ALREADY pay, while health care costing the US Government, which means ultimately people & businesses HALF of what it costs now. Thus saving a typical American family of 4 $15,000 to $20,000 per year in health care costs. But NO, they did not do this. Instead they passed a near Joke of a health care reform that forces the people to buy health insurance from the same bankrupting for profit health insurance companies, WITHOUT the Government putting tight regulation on what they can charge. I mean surely the right-wing Media in US, which again is 98% of US Media, could not have said "Obama is Socialist..." or "Obamacare..." etc. absolute non-sense since Obama/Dems would have been for a health care system that Margaret Thatcher's Conservative party in UK is 100% for.

US Media, aka Wall Street owned Media, is key to all of this

And lets then state this resulting fact: the fact that Republicans are either lunatics or WORSE, TRUE ENEMY within, and Obama Admin is a HOAX, is only possible due to US Media, aka Wall Street owned Media, being a lying machine, being part and parcel of this Con Job on US. For how else and why else US Media has a total ban on the FACT that all Conservative parties, in Europe, Canada, Israel, etc. are 100% for their Government run Universal Socialized Health care (NHS)? And Why they are? Which is due to the FACT that any party that cares for its Nation & People would be 100% for NHS since NHS gives health care to all the people of the Nation while cut health care spending by 50% which means cut the Deficits by about $1-Trillion in case of US while giving health care to all. Because if they did that would be instant proof of what a HOAX Obama Dems are for not having even proposed NHS and what lunatics Republicans are for calling NHS to be "Socialism" when all Conservative parties, in Europe, Canada, Israel, etc. are 100% for their NHS.

What is going to happen?

Lets just hope it wont take a French style Revolution with the head of McConnel, Bohner, Cantor, Rush, Beck, Koch brothers, Murdoch, etc. Republican and members of right-wing Kabal cut off and put on a stick before they Wake up and STOP their War on the People. Because the "Genie is out the box", which means thanks to the Internet and sites like this Republican party, as agents of the Wall Street gang and the right-wing Media/Cabal, will not be able to get away with their Con Job on American people anymore. So they have 2 choices, one is to greatly increase their degree of lies and con job, and do it at ever higher pitch. The other is to stop their War on American people and join the ranks of the real Conservative parties of the World, such as Conservative party in UK, Conservative party in Canada, etc., which mean propose ideas that Conserve money while getting the Job done. Unfortunately though as of this writing the right-wing Media/Cabal behind Republican lunatics has chosen the 1st choice as per their funding of the fake TEA party, which is an even more lunatic version of the Republican party.

Conclusion: we need to end the Republican party - aka this lying machine

If Republicans are such complete lunatics or worse such TRUE ENEMY within, to be against Government run Universal Socialized Health care (NHS), when NHS would give health care to all Americans for Medicare Taxes we ALREADY pay, while cut health care spending by 50%, which means cut associated Deficits by about $1-Trillion per year. And these incredible facts are why ALL Conservative parties in Europe, Canada, Israel, etc. are 100% for their NHS. And to get away with this horrendous act against American people, Republicans & right-wing Media, have said a mountain of LIES and engaged in one Con Job after another, such as say "NHS will bankrupt us", when EXACT OPPOSITE is TRUE since again in countries with NHS, which is all developed Nations, they spend 50% LESS on health care, then what can you expect from these lying bastards about Taxes, Deficits, Jobs, Wars, etc.? And lets state this FACT: Obama Dems are just as owned by Wall Street but at least they do not call NHS to be "Socialism Socialist" which only a total lying lunatic would.
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08/14/13 12:34 AM

#207707 RE: rooster #207705

yes, well the thing is Rooster, These Pacu's have been dropped in all republican states .. .so somehow
I don't think there will be any "ball growing" .. ;) .. .WE DEPLOYED THESE! from Bolivia!

The Pacu's Munches on republican testicles ONLY. They have studied and found it is
something about the 'Red State' Smell that is out there ... so .. STAY OUT of the WATER!

Pacu really Loves eating tea party testicles!

AND, Pacu fish love crushing the nuts with their powerful jaws and sometimes can mistake
the male reproductive organs for their favorite snack.

um Yes, Rooster, Pacu has been deployed to LA. .. .;) ... .. You need to Pack for Detroit! .. . or .. OUCH!

and yes, Fuagf... I do know 'ALL of it' ... ;) Thank YOU! .. .;)