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08/14/13 3:51 PM

#218 RE: dshade #217

It is virtually certain that the merger/acquisition will take place. All the legal investigations are basically "ambulance-chasing" attorneys (with apologies to one cousin who was an ambulance chaser) looking to score lead position in a class-action suit which they hope will turn up some misdeed, like the BOD not performing their fiduciary duty to shareholders. Usually, absent a smoking gun or clear self-dealing, it is hard to win such cases. Often, cases are filed simply in hopes of scoring a nuisance settlement from the company being sued, with the attorneys taking at least one-third of that. They are easy to file and these guys have the templates all ready.

If you do a google search on the names of the law firms soliciting PBTH shareholders as clients, you will see they have filed many, many similar suits on virtually every merger/acquisition.

While I personally felt that PBTH had a ladder of success ahead of it as an independent entity, I also own some OPK shares and am mollified by the higher price.

All of the foregoing is just IMHO, and does not constitute investment advice.