I hate Scott for pennies...they charge an extra percentage of any transaction if security is under a 1.00. If you are purchasing any larger amounts, say over $500.00, you end up paying upwards of 12-20 dollar commission. Where if you go with someone like options express, you pay the same flat 8.95 regardless of price, shares, etc, etc, etc. This along with the fact Scott is extremely slow on execution and conversion in pennies, once again this is based on experience. I have placed two trades both identical and hit execute, scott first. My account with options express executed over a minute faster. In penny land, that can be a life time. I strongly recommend against Scott for small securities...ever since Knight Capital took it in the shorts (this was the main executor of Scott orders, and believe they still are) (at their own doing, may I add and I truly enjoyed the day Knight nearly collapsed; karma at its best), Scott has not been able to keep up in pennies. Simply, they lost their buddy in pennies (Knight Capital) and since that time, their executions are sloppy and slow.