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08/12/13 5:17 PM

#12411 RE: nlightn #12409

You have an excellent "institutional memory." Thanks for nlightn' us.

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08/12/13 9:08 PM

#12415 RE: nlightn #12409

Please allow me to comment. Your points are in "quotes"

"kind of like the AWSL dividend shares that are never going to be able to be redeemed,...remember those ?"

I do remember them. I have some and I am very happy to have received them for free! As for "redeeming" since when can you "redeem a common share"? I Never heard of such a thing. "redeem" to who?

"ALL awsl shareholders are using those shares now for wallpaper. "

While I admit they do look nice, I doubt that.

"this company is based on creating momentum via a stock promotion,...that is it ! "

Can you point me to this promotion? I have seen no emails, websites or anything such as this to indicate promotion. Well except in 2009 if that is what you are talking about.

"other than that, to date, this company has "nada" to offer shareholders and bagholders or any other individual. "

Really, aside from giving 50% more shares via dividend (or wallpaper as you call it, lets look at what it has:
$1,880.000 in sales in 2012,
$1,600,000 in sales in the past 6 months
Another $7,000,000 in sales from FIT 1.0
The above sales are for 2.7 MW.
The company secured 58.43 MW's in Ecuador. Estimated at $150,000,000 by AWSL management.
Other projects not announced * see Morton response below...

"ever notice that AWSL management never completes anything ? what happened to the Morton Salt deal ?,...some lame excuse why it didn't happen,...and the C&W deal, another lame excuse why it didn't occur,...and a sundry more, management is on to ecuador. and the only reason they got in the door there is because of Venecia Gafter,... "

C&W deal did not go through? I am not sure where you have been but they secured over half of the 2.7 MW's for AWS. As for MortonSalt, they cancelled the deal after receiving calls and emails telling them that the company was a scam. Many of the same "sky is falling statements we all had to read. Which as we all know turned out to be false. Let me know if you want all the examples again! This was why according to company news and filings, news will not be announced until a deal is completed irrevocably to avoid this from happening again, As for 'the only reason AWS got in the door was Venecia Gafter', I am confused. She is management. I thought management does not do or finish anything. What one is it? Did she do this, or did management not do it. I am very confused...

"there ain't nothing going to occur,...just a set up. "

Hate to break it to you, but it is already occurring. Approx $3,500,000 in sales over the past 12 months