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08/11/13 3:43 PM

#108541 RE: along4zride #108539

Took you a long time to see the light and change your opinions!!

~ Blue ~

08/11/13 3:51 PM

#108543 RE: along4zride #108539

Eventually the United States Gov will be forced to release Fannie and Freddie from conservatorship which will lead to uplisting and then a huge increase in price per share.

interesting you came to this point


08/11/13 3:53 PM

#108544 RE: along4zride #108539

Alomg4zride.Hey everyone take note 100% turn to our side. Positive!


08/11/13 3:53 PM

#108545 RE: along4zride #108539

Amen brother!!!!!! You have seen the light!!!!


08/11/13 3:54 PM

#108546 RE: along4zride #108539

Well,... Well,... Well... Someone please wipe the poop out of my eyes or am I dilusional.... Or did the biggest miracle just occur??...or did someone hack into your account Along4?? Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket... I'm speechless to hear you say something positive about Fannie...$10 pps by year's end?? That would be great to see!! I'm just hoping to see $2+ in next 10 days of trading... Maybe you were trying to say .10 by years end... But without all your Capital letters I think a miracle has happened... Good on you!


08/11/13 3:57 PM

#108547 RE: along4zride #108539

So Caps=you short and lower case=you long?


08/11/13 3:59 PM

#108548 RE: along4zride #108539

Are you serious? I still cannot believe it... GLTY if you're long

General Grievous

08/11/13 4:20 PM

#108552 RE: along4zride #108539

Lmao this pos going to a buck IMO... Shorting from 1.7s will cover at a dollar


08/11/13 4:36 PM

#108557 RE: along4zride #108539

Welcome to the family buddy. We welcome you with open arms.

Mikey Mike

08/11/13 4:46 PM

#108559 RE: along4zride #108539



08/11/13 4:48 PM

#108561 RE: along4zride #108539

I Hear Angels! Along4zRide Is Positive Now!

Wow! Along4zRide welcome to America. Corker is just doing his job putting the issues on the table. The final out come for FnF will be what it is meant to be.

In the meantime, we can only assess the situation day by day and play accordingly.



08/11/13 4:54 PM

#108562 RE: along4zride #108539

your English suddenly got better now that your thinking improved...strange how that works!...or are you Arnold?? ( but you really are the same one that posted all along ;) )


08/11/13 5:09 PM

#108565 RE: along4zride #108539

jajajaja this is the perfect end for a week-end :-)


08/11/13 5:25 PM

#108569 RE: along4zride #108539

along4zride !!! Is it you??
Welcome to the Long side.
Long live FnF


08/11/13 5:40 PM

#108574 RE: along4zride #108539

Did I really just read that post by you of all people?? I had to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing it wrong lol.

Always wondering

08/11/13 6:15 PM

#108583 RE: along4zride #108539

This is a trick........


08/11/13 6:19 PM

#108585 RE: along4zride #108539

Finally realized...?


08/11/13 6:27 PM

#108586 RE: along4zride #108539

Obamdid not say they would be intact, he said they need to go. Just becasue you went ahead and took your bad beat. Doesnt mean you can just switch sides.... Oh, we get it, drive it up sellig the whole time, then tell us how bad it is again. Your never gonna win being a schmuk...

Lets face it, no one other than the MMs know which way this is going and it is being used as a scape goat. Could go with way a $1.00 in the next week or not move at all and we could all explain a reason why. Down because of the closing, up because of the financials and closing not possible. or flat, (no one knows what to do)... Kind of a waste on RISK examination time.... because anything could happen..


08/11/13 6:50 PM

#108595 RE: along4zride #108539

Is that you want to short us and you need available longs so you can get the shares from your brokers house to short.

Just messing with you. Glad to see you join us. ;-)


08/11/13 6:50 PM

#108597 RE: along4zride #108539

Welcome back. Glad to see the positive post from you.


08/11/13 8:20 PM

#108615 RE: along4zride #108539

Hey A-hole you have conflicting posts. One minute you bash the hell out of FnF now you are pumping them. Which is it. Can we take you seriously or are you some inmate from a mental hospital gracing our boards with your ridiculous posts?


08/11/13 9:54 PM

#108650 RE: along4zride #108539

Glad to hear, and well said

Crazy Money

08/11/13 10:57 PM

#108672 RE: along4zride #108539

well then, FNMA we ride ...


08/11/13 11:01 PM

#108674 RE: along4zride #108539

Fake name, fake picture, fake responses (posting the opposite of your position)...

You are like Cramer... PERFECT contrarian, love it... Keep the posts coming!


08/11/13 11:16 PM

#108679 RE: along4zride #108539

Am I confusing you for someone else? I thought you were predicting this to crash?


08/12/13 1:02 AM

#108699 RE: along4zride #108539

You did a good thing for this board. You presented another point of view and encouraged others to defend their position on why FnF should he around.

I always thought your contributions were somewhat "devil's advocate". However, everyone needs to he challenged to see if their position is one worth holding on to. Plus, you helped to keep the board popular with all the responses you were getting, some not so nice responses.



08/12/13 4:03 AM

#108717 RE: along4zride #108539

I'm pretty sure it's still his "cousin" using this account!!