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08/12/13 5:31 AM

#2291 RE: stock_peeker #2290

Your chart or link was missing (?? repost?) but GMO foods are certainly a disaster for human health as I've been diligently researching the last few years.

Former GMO Engineer Drops Biotech and Goes Organic
"When I hear we need genetic engi­neer­ing to feed the world, I cringe. It turns out that there is no increase in yield, no decrease use of pes­ti­cides, and the process is of highly ques­tioned safety.

Even if genetic engi­neer­ing was per­fectly safe, I still ques­tion it because of genetic pol­lu­tion. Organic crops and foods are becom­ing contaminated.

I’m also con­cerned about con­t­a­m­i­na­tion of the envi­ron­ment with antibi­otic resis­tant genes. Every GM crop has these genes. The pre­lim­i­nary evi­dence we have is that bac­te­ria in the soil and in the human gut are capa­ble of pick­ing those genes up. Considering the alarm I hear from med­ical peo­ple about los­ing antibi­otics, I think this should be a seri­ous concern."

BTW This has been a good board over on SI for controversial subjects and various macro-economic themes...