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08/11/13 11:22 AM

#291 RE: Kimber1911 #290

Holding it as a dividend payer also.................can be erractic though with interest rates probably on the rise..


08/15/13 5:44 AM

#293 RE: Kimber1911 #290

they all are bargains right now.


08/15/13 3:12 PM

#294 RE: Kimber1911 #290

Actually mREITS received far more attention than they deserved lately due to their flashy dividends that are often in the double digits.

Beneath the hood, mREITs are dangerous stocks as many retirees are now learning. Very dangerous, and I'm not sure there is any floor that can be counted on.

As far as book value, given the extreme leverage no outsider can know the BV.