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08/11/13 3:28 PM

#83441 RE: DesertDrifter #83435

I have an interesting question...And I have no Idea on this...

If Syria escalates and the Russians are on the other side...Would Obama permit the use of Tactical Nuclear Ordinance?



08/13/13 9:07 PM

#83522 RE: DesertDrifter #83435

Poverty and obesity are nutrition problems.
Government subsidies can go horribly wrong.

Subsidies for corn offer cheep prices for junk food, sweeteners.

My opinion is that lobbyists have the ear of Congress above the voices for free market value of protein above factory processed junk food.
I'm paying about $3.00 for a bag of frozen corn.
The raw material for Doritos.......
highly processed food should cost much more.