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08/10/13 9:20 AM

#277079 RE: kingpindg #277070

Ok, I know that you...

...guys hate it when I ask you to take a look at a spreadsheet, but you leave me no choice...and I hope you really take a close look because this thing took quite some time to put together.

The spreadsheet represents a table which runs down on the left and then continues over on the right side of the spreadsheet.

The table indicates ALL daily short volume while forcing shorts to cover biweekly in order to zero out prior to the biweekly date. This point is shown in orange.

The yellow field shows how much shorts have made cumulatively starting on April 1 until end of month in July. I picked relative high points to cover in the two week period, and while those dates to cover are more or less subjective (since we don't know when they cover), I figured that someone effective at influencing negative opinion knows around where he or she can cover.

As you can see, and if we assume that the shorter is mostly one (or two individuals), then in the course of that period, the shorts would have made $42,927. That's over a 4 month period. If we extrapolate that equates to about $128,000 salary just for being constantly negative on a daily basis.

Maybe that's not much, but this period does not include some of the most volatile months like the day of the offering results and other periods of time....I just didn't have the time to go that far back, since I had to by hand enter each short data into the spreadsheet.

Krombacher - I really hope someone out there appreciates this work.
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08/10/13 12:25 PM

#277083 RE: kingpindg #277070

I tried at least a dozen companies where I know there is a short interest and each and every one of them showed the amount of the short interest outstanding. As you said, it is a NO BRAINER that companies like ERHC with no short interest or no change to their short interest show no activity. The file released by FINRA on a bimonthly basis ONLY shows the changes and anybody with any knowledge of the subject can access that file directly. That is the source for ALL the websites that do this reporting. Every company with activity is reported at the same time by FINRA.

I have no idea why false information about ERHC having a large short interest is being vigorously pushed on the internet. But I now think it is an intentional attempt to harm the company and scare investors away. It might be working judging from the share price. Looking at the shorting data it becomes VERY obvious that 100% of the shorting is being done by the market maker so they can facilitate trading in this stock. That is why there is no short interest on the reporting dates.