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08/14/13 11:35 AM

#2586 RE: brazil_83 #2581

Hello Brazil,

Back from an extended vacation. Man have these boards dried up. Most likely attorneys telling those involved in the EC's stuff to keep quiet. Just a guess.

Catching up on postings. Yes, I saw this and thought it interesting also. Guess it counters what some of the board legal experts have been saying in regards to the company not being able to sell the Chinese assets. Or if we could no proceeds would get to the US shareholders.

The company also mentioned this in their last communications. I'm sure whoever is handling the sale of the Chinese assets pretty much knows the "how to handle" these types of sales.

Guess we should all be knowing very soon on who is right and who is wrong.

My guess is the Chinese assets are worth far north of the $350M mark, so even if they discount it and we get $150M-$200M for the assets, I'll be a happy camper. Will give me $2+ per share.

I think most here would be satisfied with that.

And I think it's the lowest Van & Co would entertain to make their options at least worth their while.

If they don't get around this much, their shares ain't going to be worth squat.

And no one has been able to convince me otherwise on that point alone.

I hope many of the regulars start posting again. It's rather lonely out here in CA.

I've left messages for the person handling the reorganization at Mackinac Partners and also the CEO since I didn't hear back just to see if I could talk with someone. Of course nothing from anyone. Would love it if everyone started calling 25x's a day bothering the hell out of them until someone responds. I'm starting it up again today myself.

Great day to all.