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08/08/13 11:38 AM

#4157 RE: apennyortwo #4141

unreal im so pissed i freakin missed it dammit iw as watching it yesterday and two days ago delcinei knew it would bounce and i forgot to add it to my watch list on fidelity DAMMMIT

up 200% wtf
i suck

can anyone give me still somewhat new only 3 months down here and learned ALOT from my mistakes but still learning everyday.... obv it is tendency to buy when something is green and up big and hope it keeps going up big, and yes ive made moeny doing that but ive also got stuck wiht a lot of big bags of worthless CRAP... so obv buy low and sell high

but im not sure just looking for some advice and wat to look for , and how do yuo guys know when to buy i dunno I find myself lost sometimes and like i just want to start allover
i sold every position in my book today and frogot baout them...i was holding everything way to long and i think now i am going to just flip in and out with profits and thats it wether its 50$ or 5000$ in and out thats it
thanks for the advice everyone and anyone feel free to PM me but i cant respond to it so thanks in advance and sorry for

Going off topic

on the other hand