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08/06/13 3:11 PM

#29705 RE: drKen #29704

Any chance that you could use all your expertise that you speak of and read these financials and relate to us your professional opinion of them?
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08/06/13 3:20 PM

#29706 RE: drKen #29704

that is a very noteworthy post. thanks for that info we need more like this. the mdhi board should be thankful that you took the time to read everything and then translate it to us. jmo thanks for that again.
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08/06/13 4:20 PM

#29708 RE: drKen #29704

Thank you for that post. I’m amazed how few people understand that companies, particularly start up companies, go through some difficult times where it is necessary to decide the best use of the limited funds available. If early on MDHI had sufficient funds to either produce goods to sell or remain fully reporting but not both, making Medi-Pendants wins. It would not be a hard decision for any good manager.

However, there is no doubt that Ronnie put unrealistic expectations in the investors’ minds by giving specific dates that they could expect the audited financials would be completed and posted when he had no control over the completion time frame. These things always take longer than expected and I would consider this a mistake.

In my opinion, MDHI would have been better served if the audits were never mentioned in advance. Then, if the audits were not done by a specific date, MDHI could release the unaudited financial on time and back them up with the unaudited financials they have given us with the audited ones as they get completed on an annual basis or all at once.

While not everything he says about MDHI is 100% accurate—this can be said about most CEO’s of most companies big or small---MDHI does not have a repeated history of adding massive amounts to the AS, adding massive amount to the OS, paying contracts in shares with a par value of .0001 when fair market value is .002, insiders dumping hundreds of thousands of shares as soon as the restriction expires only to have those insiders receive more shares, and so on. MDHI does not publish a 150% increase in the AS and OS 6 months after is supposedly happened when nothing but positive info was released during those 6 months duping investors—they tell us in advance and do so by proxy letter. It may frustrate some of us that we have no say in such decisions but again that is proof that no dumping is going on as the insiders refuse to yield their 51% control of the outstanding shares.

I find it extremely ironic that any posters here would try to call Ronnie out for misleading statements about MDHI that probably were intended to protect the company—for example, most investors don’t want to hear the truth if it is going to be 2-3 years before a company can afford the costs associated with becoming fully reporting--- while posting one misleading statement after another peppered with bald faced lies about MDHI and its history.

By no means am I saying everything posted about MDHI should be positive. In fact I believe exactly the opposite. There is enough about MDHI that raises legitimate questions about the company and where it is headed. Posting repeated false statements or outdated information about MDHI—whether positive or negative—is help no one.

I happen to believe in the product. I have elderly parents who live in a big house that have another monitoring system because I didn’t know about the Medi-Pendant when they got it-and their insurance may not have covered it back then. I would much prefer they have a speaker directly around their necks so that regardless of where a problem occurs they have communication rather than just rely on someone knowing they fell. I am willing to bet that feature is what will make MDHI huge as long as they grow the brand before the patent expires.
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08/06/13 4:20 PM

#29709 RE: drKen #29704

ok. you keep playing his games, but leave others out of his lies, until he can untangle the paperwork to file a 10-q.
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08/06/13 4:32 PM

#29711 RE: drKen #29704

The truth about AUDITS:
Just remember that companies 1000 times larger then mdhi post their audits every three months and a yearly once a year. For Ronnie to even suggest that he has auditors for over two years trying to bring mdhi current is the BIGGEST LIE YET.

We must be careful. I heard that Joe Noel and Ronnie Adams are going on different blogs under phony names and giving out lies and missleading statements. I called Mr Tichler the guy that got mdhi in costco then quit mdhi and he told me himself. You would think that these guys at mdhi should be focusing on the buisness instead of sucking in new investors. Someone should call the authorities on these scammers... Call the S.E.C. at You may contact Ivette Leon, Assistant Chief Accountant, at (202) 551-3351 or Carlos
Pacho, Senior Assistant Chief Accountant, at (202) 551-3835 if you have questions regarding
comments on the financial statements and related matters. Please contact me at (202) 551-3810
if you have any other questions.
Larry Spirgel
Assistant Director