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08/03/13 4:18 PM

#6907 RE: basserdan #6905


For now, 58.7 per cent of American adults are working if the actual employment-population ratio is taken into consideration, leaving about 82 million, or almost 41 per cent of people unemployed. Only 8 per cent, however, are even interested in work, leaving 33 per cent of Americans not only jobless — but with no desire for work.

They spout unemployment figures of 7.6%, which is pure BS! For the fed gov't, the word "unemployed" must meet a strict definition, which is:

"A person who is actively looking for work by filling out applications and who really, really wants to work and is motivated to find a job close to what they have been capable of making in the past . . . this is a truly unemployed person."

Does anyone with an IQ over 70 see a problem with this? How about this much easier definition:

"A person who is between the ages of 18-65 and capable of working, but they have no job, for whatever reason, is UNEMPLOYED."

Isn't that a bit closer to reality?

Well, there are roughly 202 million WORKING AGE Americans, and 82 million are NOT working. Subtract about 14 million of this group who are on disability payments (7%), and you have 68 million, working age, NON-disabled Americans OUT OF WORK.

For those WITH an IQ over 70, let's do the TRUE math. What percentage of 202 million WORKING AGE Americans who are capable of working, yet they are NOT working, is 68 million people? Drum roll . . . 33.66%

THAT is the TRUE unemployment figure. And this makes a LOT more sense to anyone with an IQ over 70, because there are now 36% of 18-31 year olds living with their parents. Now, some of these have jobs, but they can't make it on their own.

FINALLY, when anyone with an IQ over 70 looks at the jobs that Barry and company have helped to create in his tenure, they will see that most are low-paying and part-time jobs. So, of the 66.34% of working age Americans who DO have jobs, a LARGE percentage of those are BARELY making enough money to eat. Some statistics say 50% of the jobs in America now pay less than $30,000. WHO CAN LIVE ON $30,000?

The scum in DC (ALL those in CONGRESS) have budgets (STOLEN money from those Americans who ARE working their butts off) that allow them to hire 18 full-time plus 4 part-time personal staff -- EACH -- (let that soak in and think chefs, personal trainers, interns wearing knee pads), and pay EACH one of these "positions" up to $150,000 a year!

IS ANYONE LISTENING? Are THE PEOPLE now comprised of mostly UNDER 70 IQs? SHEEPLE????

33% UNEMPLOYMENT! 50% of those working making less than $30,000. Average savings is near ZERO! Almost 40% of 18-31 LIVING WITH PARENTS! Less than 8% of workers making over $75,000!

But EACH Congress person is allowed to steal tax money by the millions to hire over 20 people EACH to help them do their freaking jobs, and they can pay them EACH $150,000!

The country is ruled by a TINY number of SULTANS and KINGS, and they live that way, all while laughing at the pitiful peon sheeple they steal from.

When this system cracks, it will not be pretty. Think Rome.

Think the Congress Sultans are not laughing all the way to the bank and living like kings with aides feeding them grapes and crawling around under all their desks? Scroll down to PERSONAL STAFF and EXPENSES, and begin to PUKE: