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08/01/13 10:56 AM

#61403 RE: ImjinBridger #61402 is the business world of the armchair quaterback :-)
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08/01/13 11:25 AM

#61404 RE: ImjinBridger #61402

I hear you there. I worked for CAT for about 4 years. They took 9 months to build a set of steps 2ft high 3 ft wide for a safety reason. If anyone is familiar with CAT safety is the absolute highest priority. Most major projects were forgotten about by the time they started them.

Every major project I have been in charge of always took 2 to 4 times as long as it looked on paper the first time around. Its almost impossible to estimate issues that will arise. Even if you do foresee them sometimes the solutions can be time consuming.

We have another company in town with lots of money. There building was supposed to be done last month. It's sitting as a shell. There six months away at best.

All I'm saying is if you have never been involved in some sort of large project then you wouldn't understand at all what it takes.

PS it took me a few projects to realize it always take longer then you think it should.