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08/01/13 2:45 PM

#246 RE: Dip66 #245

Tha NMGC 10m Flote iz lokkt down- Tharz nowhere to go butt strait up,, Im surprised moar playurz haven't joined tha free munny party hear last cupple months. Whale hedge who ran WGAT for 150 bags is still full fruntloded + Nu NMGC bizniss dealz are hitting monthly + NMGC biz partner SBSA haz big buyout plan in tha workx since february.

You can tell Tommy sellfinger is watching NMGC closely-
so U know theres still gotta be a SBSA + SNE + NMGC deal in the works,
$20k moar just fruntloded NMGCs JV partner(and future owner?) SBSA today...

Sellfinger and insieders have locked down both NMGC/SBSA flotes
since February- the deal cud happen any minit, but I'd like to see a few moar playurs get in hear at NMGC to see wutt happins when sellfinger sees a momo run starting on his little secret play here.

.05+ iz blue skye- then prolly less than a million NMGC shares left for sale undrr $1. One fone call by sellfinger to hiz buddyies at Blakrok, Renaissance, and turd ave partners and that same $1.5m that fruntloded SBSA wud get NMGC to 5$ - 10$.

Itz hapening

nn hear cumz tha

tikka tikka tikkaaaaaaaa