Dr Bill: Lemming??
Get serious, my preponderously doubtful antagonist!
You go right on ahead and see the gloomy looking clouds for what they seem to be, and I'll go right on ahead seeing all of them for what they really are. You see the clouds rain down on your parade, but I see them rain down on my fertile earth. You see nothing but nastiness of soiled mud, but I see the bounty and the beauty of life's natural order.
You seem to be looking for absolute perfection, but I look for perfect absolution. I don't get hung up on the now; I look eagerly forward into the future. Where would any of our misery ultimately get each of us, if all we saw in daily life was nothing but misery? How is it that you sleep at night? How in the world do you even dare to get up out of bed each day with a gloomy outlook like this? I wonder!
When your bones ache and your head hurts and your own flesh cries out for even the faintest reason, do you dare to kill that living hope that quietly beckons from deep within your own ailing and troubled soul? I hope not! Were to we such creatures be, we would scarcely then ever agree to wait for our tomorrow, for what tomorrow often brings may cause our soul to sing a song for joyous pain. Would we ever come to know our triumphs without the comparative experience of all our defeats? Would we ever recognize the pleasant pleasures of this colorful life without first coming face to face with all of its bitter anguish? No, to do that would be impossible!
Is it really proper to actively question everything Jim Dial says to us? Sure it is! But is it proper to affirmatively assume that everything he says to us is a completely blatant and outright lie? No! Because when it really comes down to it in the end, it really isn't a question about whether something is an obvious lie or not, but rather whether something is actually accomplished as planned or inadvertently delayed.
Let's see . . . negatives since May? I know them! However, I don't care to review them, or even dwell on them. If only our overwhelming number of successes were indeed measured by the daunting number of our seeming failures! Where in God's green earth would we all be without the treasure of our hard driving ambitions, unwavering persistence and ever enduring patience? We would not be where we are!