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07/30/13 10:39 PM

#9190 RE: tenantprotection #9189

Wow !
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07/31/13 5:30 AM

#9210 RE: tenantprotection #9189

You are not the first one to bring up the Idea sent out CEASE AND DESIST letters to companies like AT&T and many others out there.

Number times I spoke to Rowland before about this idea and also offer even with the money to pursue this idea.

As we all know he is the attorney and he's well aware of who is infringing on the patent. I think the main reason he is not ready to roll out this campaign because company's lack of working capital & need money from venture capital to pursue long term battle lawsuit.
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11/01/13 7:39 AM

#11098 RE: tenantprotection #9189


Tuesday, 07/30/13 10:22:14 PM

Re: None

Post # of 11097

SPOKE TO CEO: Rowland W. Day II

I just spoke with Mr. Rowland. He is a nice man. I informed him that I was a shareholder and that I wanted to make sure that the company was going to send out the proper CEASE AND DESIST letters to companies like AT&T who appear to be infringing on their patent via their "DriveMode" service:

AT&T's DriveMode

Mr. Rowland informed me that he is interested in pursuing infringement claims. He stated that there are so many issues on the table. I informed him that there is a time limit for going after infringers and failure to go after them TIMELY could cause him to lose his claims. Sending out a cease and desist letter does NOT take much time.

Furthermore, I informed him that the cease and desist letter could force AT&T to buy a license from Websafety, which will allow Websafety to send out a PRESS RELEASE that informs the public that it sold a license to AT&T. Then off to the moooon we go. That stock price will increase significantly. With the thought that other companies will also buy or be forced to buy a license, Websafety's stock will keep climbing. DOLLAR LAND will be reached fast.

So, folks. If there was any penny stock that had the huge potential of making you a millionaire overnight, it's WBSI.

Good luck to everyone......Just don't miss the party when we all start congratulating each other and you are left out. I am sure you've been there before.

MOST IMPORTANT: I put the idea of AT&T's forced purchase of the license to increase the stock price in his mind. Now let that thought simmer in his mind for a while. I can see him dreaming at night about AT&T's possible forced purchase of that license, which will give his company millions to grow.

You want to make things move then you take action like I just did instead of sitting back and watching. You make it happen....How??? Start spreading the word about Websafety and their patent and the AT&T connection. Make multiple posts all over the Internet. If we work together, we can get thousands interested in this stock and the price will pop high. Even if it means you spend your own money to promote Websafety as a shareholder. For example, pay a web company to make the posts for you.

<a href='' target='_blank'> <img src='' width="600" alt="" height="19" border="0" /></a>

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